Write with Spread the Ripple

Join a community of kindness, positivity, and happiness

Ali Hall
Spread the Ripple


Image owned by Spread the Ripple

Updated 26/02/2024

Do you love the warm fuzzy feeling kindness, positivity, and happiness give you?

Welcome to Spread the Ripple. I am Ali, and I would love to spread more kindness, positivity, and happiness (KPH) into this world.

I invite you to join me on this mission.

About Spread the Ripple

Spread the Ripple is a place for sharing stories on KPH. We are proud to be part of Sista Publications.

The scope for KPH stories is extensive. Below is just a small example of a story's possible themes.

  • Self
  • Strangers
  • Friends and family
  • Animals and nature
  • The planet

Consider how you have been affected by KPH and how you have spread these virtues to others.

How does KPH show up in your life?


We would love to receive your stories in relation to KPH.

But before you submit anything, please read through our guidelines for writers. There are helpful tips on formating, grammar, how…



Ali Hall
Spread the Ripple

✍Well-being, feminism & personal growth. Owner of Life Without Children. Lover of trail running & dogs. Also at abnormallynormal.substack.com