Compelling Copy to Capture and Convert Customers
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How ironic is it that this was one of the hardest pieces we have written so far, yet it’s about copywriting.

Actually, it’s no surprise. Words are hard, and even harder when the aim is to hook and persuade every reader. Businesses, Freelancers, and personal brands have to do this with every sentence.

Sadly, brands keep coming up with the same 5 generic lines that don’t capture and definitely don’t convert…

I can almost guarantee in the last 12 months, you have heard;

“Best in the business”

“Number 1 in…”

“One-stop shop”

TOO MANY TIMES! — Yeah, us too.

Eventually, we had enough cringing, so we’re forced to make this introductory piece to copywriting.

Here is the methodical approach to Capturing and Converting Customers with Compelling Copy.

#1 Capturing (not chasing)

You can’t even get eyeballs, stop worrying about revenue.

Attention, attention, and attention. These 3 words should be taking up at least 54% of your marketing brain. If not, then we have some work to do…

Every UK/US citizen is forced to experience 5000 ads every day.

YES, every single day you’re competing with 4,999 other companies, for the eyeballs of your customers. Not revenue, profit or even sales, just EYES.

So how do you cut away from the regular bu*lsh*t your customers are forced into viewing every day and pull them in?

Use titles and opening lines that stain their curiosity.

So much so that the moment they scroll on, their stomach pulls, out of fear from what they could’ve known.

Here are some of the most iconic examples:

“The man who perfected the laugh track”

“They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano but When I Started to Play!”

“Drink and orange”

“Does she… or doesn’t she?”

“How to win friends and influence people”

“Confessions of an economic hitman”

These headlines are the strokes of advertising artists. Crafted from decades of experience — that have lasted centuries.

If you’re new to copywriting then spontaneous headlines that take your breath away will come to you rarely. So here are some practical examples we made up for you, (on the spot):

“Your [Problem] get out of Jail Free Card”

“How will you Survive when [Problem] Happens?”

“The addictive solution of [Service] to [Problem]”

“The unbeknown reason why [target audience] are using [solution]”

“[target audience] — I’ve got a secret?”

Your mission is to arise suspicion, curiosity, or inspiration in your customers — enough for them to read or watch on. Don’t go overboard and claim you have the super-secret formula to ultimate success. It never works, everybody sees through this. You have to be subtle, yet explosive enough for customers to get their gum shields ready.

Capturing customers will always utilise short(er) sentences that pack a mind fu*k of a punch. Converting is where long(er) copy comes in.

#2 Converting Customers (Compelling copy)

Copy that confides in the mind of the observer, is echoed in the mind of the customer.

If you can convince a sophisticated and intelligent woman to go home with you, then you can compel anyone to buy.

Every customer will act like a stuck up broad with a toxic confidence issue. “I don’t need you” dances around their mind as they check out your ad. Evolving this mindset becomes the soul of your copy strategy.

Copy has never converted from simply stating features. Thanks to a generous cognitive-bias, emotion is the natural leader in the minds of all human beings. This emotional flip switch is something we can ethically abuse:

Time-saving features copy:

“This product will save you [time-problem] in your daily life by [time saving-solution]”

Emotional (pain) copy:

“5 years ago, you were still ‘you’. Just the ‘you’ with more time. Every second emptied on [problem] is another you’ll never see.

5 years from now we hope you too can look back in good faith, knowing you followed [solution] like the other 73,823 [target audience].

5 years from now you can send our thank you card to this address…”

The above is a drummed up example we came up with on the spot — it doesn’t have to be that weird or deep. But remember…

Copy that confides in the mind of the observer, is echoed in the mind of the customer.

To conclude, compelling copy is the most effective when it’s memorable, emotionally painful and sticks. Copywriting is a skill, which takes decades or even a lifetime to become anywhere near ‘good’.

You’ll only become better with the more you read, watch, and especially do. You can excel the process with a little daily brain exercise we created: pick something (anything) you can see and market it, e.g a water bottle

On the spot think of a:

Marketing twist — Smart Water that reduces acne

Ad title — Clear, Pure and soft — We’re not talking about the water

Ad description — The clown red reflection you see every morning isn’t you — It’s the mask of an acne sufferer. Every time you look to the ground to hide what you fear most, you miss the smell of the flowers, the last opportunity with the girl you dream of, and every daily joy. Experience life without the mask, sip on SmartWater.

This was just another quick example made up on the spot, but that’s the point of the game. To pick anything and roll with it. Take your time at first, eventually, it’ll start coming to you naturally.

Digging deep, hitting pain points, and exposing the greater reality of a customer’s life are all abusive ways to convert customers — which will work better than anything you’ll ever try again.

Enjoy more customers! :D


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