The Most Powerful ‘Keyword’ on Google

The Lowest Keyword Difficulty, with the Highest Conversion Rate.
Spread Your Content
7 min readApr 26, 2020


Daily, with you knowing it or not, thousands of your potential customers are searching for alternatives to your competition. They’re actively looking for you, yet you are nowhere to be seen.

One thing we all have in common is that all of our competitors would snatch our traffic without hesitation or remorse.

We have to be equally ruthless with our SEO ranking strategies, ensuring our sites reach number 1. For your sake, and your customers. (if your product is better of course!

So what is the most powerful keyword in the History of Google?


You need to abuse it, again, again… and again.

As you can see (a random Tesla example), if you were a competitor of Tesla there are plenty of people searching to buy similar products, that are all easy to rank for.

Why is it Unlimited in Power? ♻️

You can use it as many times as you please with as many competitors as you have. You probably have hundreds of competitors, maybe larger or the same size as you. Either way, they have traffic going to their site, and thus are churning out users daily.

Meaning every day, a small percentage of your competitor's users are leaving.

Which forces them to Google for competitors, competitors like YOU.

If you’re just starting out with your brand/website then you truly understand how hard it is to rank on Google right now. Generating your own traffic is a long and drawn-out process, especially traffic that converts.

Although it doesn’t sound great, you need to be taking the scraps from your competitors. It’s the only way to really start taking off.

The keyword Alternative is so powerful, as the KW difficulty to rank is minimal yet the conversion rate is so high. The users searching this are looking to buy.

Not to be educated, or even for curious sake, but to BUY YOUR PRODUCT.

Before You Start Writing ⛔️

Before you read on, what I’d suggest is that you create an entire list of competitors on a Google doc. Then go on to Ubersuggest and type each one in with “alternative” at the end.

Go back on to the Google doc, and also enter the KW difficulty and the lowest domain rating on the SERP, for each competitor.

As shown below in red rectangles.

The lower the number the better. Rank each competitor and see which one is easiest to reach page 1 with. Don’t worry about traffic *too much*.

I say this because every one of these searches has very high buy intent. Although traffic will be low (not all the time), “alternative” will be the highest converting keyword that you rank for.

How to write each post: ✍🏻

For every competitor you have, you need a whole article dedicated to them. Which includes:

1. A strong “alternative” heading.

2. A tenacious subheading detailing the main point of why you’re better.

3. A short introduction to each product.

4. Compare products/why you are better.

5. Who is your product for/not for (be honest).

6. Conclusion.

I’ll walk you through each one, and show you what I have done for Spread:

1. A Strong ‘Alternative’ Heading: 💪🏻

For Spread, one of my biggest competitors is Tube2Gram. A heavyweight in the content repurposing sector, specifically for Instagramers.

Few quick tips for headlines:

- Always use the competitor name and the word ‘alternative’ in the title

- Numbers work wonders

- Keep it below 60 characters

- Grab attention

For Tube2Gram my heading was:

“The Best Alternative to Tube2Gram”. — simple and to the point.

A few others I’ve used are:

“The only Y2mate Alternative You Need”

“The Best ClipConverter Alternative”

“Why Spread is 1000x Better than Hypefury (Best Alternative)”

“Why Spread is the Number 1 Alternative to Buffer”

“How to Switch from Contently to Spread (Best Alternative)”

That last one is actually a real sucker punch.

From reading the headline alone the user is going to be subconsciously biased to Spread — as they’ll think that switching from Contently to Spread is a popular thing users do.

2. A Tenacious Subheading/Intro 👊🏻

For my Tube2Gram alternative piece, this is what I wrote directly under the title, to keep users reading on.

Spread is the only online tool YouTubers and video content creators need to use in 2020, to explode their traffic and reach.

We aren’t an alternative — we are a necessity above Tube2Gram, and we will show you exactly why below.

I’ve gone balls to the wall. Grabbing the reader's attention, and making it known that SPREAD IS BEST.

Starting with this ball-sy intro intrigues readers and sets the mindset for the rest of the article.

You have to do the same thing. Say who you are, what you do, who for, and what their outcome will be. All in two sentences.

After my short intro, I’ll also include a few bullet points that’ll drive the point home. Such as:

“4 quick-fire reasons why Spread is better:

- Higher quality downloads (up to 1080p)
- An interface that makes content marketing feel like a video game
- High-speed instant downloads (saving hours of your precious life)
- Exploitive features that take your content game to the next level…

If those 4 aren’t enough then keep reading…”

I personally use these bullet points to show readers we are a real force to be reckoned with. A genuine competing product that deserves the time of day.

3. Give an Introduction to Each Product 🧐

In this section, I tend to have a paragraph for both products detailing exactly what they each do, how they do it, and what the user's final outcomes will be.

I don’t go overboard and write thousands of words, just a quick paragraph that summarises each product.

In this section, I may search for other keywords related to the Competiton on Ubersuggest. For example, a great keyword for Tube2gram is:

“Does Tube2gram have fast download speed?”

I would also include this as an answer, in the summary of the product to increase SEO and wordcount.

However, if the answer was too long or not relevant enough, I would include it as a FAQ — under the conclusion.

I use these extra keywords to increase the chances of being ranked for multiple keyword searches and to increase relevant word count.

4. Compare Products/Why You’re Better 🥳

For this section I always use a subtitle that puts Spread first:

Why Spread is Better than Tube2Gram

I always include the competitor keyword and set up the question so that it readily favors my brand.

In this paragraph I’ll go over:

- Why Spread is generally a better product
- How we ease the entire process
- How the outcome is more valuable

Then I’ll either use a table or something similar, to directly compare features. My personal way of doing it is shown below:

If you want to be meta, then you can go into the features that your product doesn’t have, which your competitor does. It’ll build trust with your reader, and will be a nice entrance to the next subheading.

5. Who is Your Product For/Not For (be honest) 😇

This is where you have to become really honest with yourself. Something that the majority of business owners find way too hard. (News flash — your product isn’t made for everybody!!!)

But I promise you, your honesty will only increase conversions.

It’s great saying who your product is ideal for, but excluding groups will demonstrate exactly who should be using it.

When I speak about Spread, I always say it’s perfect for serious content marketers. But that’s easy, any competitor can say that really…

After saying it’s perfect for these types of people ‘XYZ’, I then also say it’s NOT to be used by ‘ABC’.

Here is what I’ve written for my Tube2gram alternative article:

“Spread is software specifically made for the next generation of serious YouTuber’s, Marketers, and Brands.

If you’re looking to download 2 videos every 3 months, then we beg you to use Tube2Gram and not Spread.

We are only interested in individuals who want to take their content marketing to the boss level.

If you want to reach your maximum capacity of customers, traffic and users then Spread your brand.

Serious = Spread
Not serious = Tube2Gram

It’s that simple really.”

This may seem overkill, but from my experience, this is the best method.

This way you turn away the ungrateful users who only drag down your customer service. Whilst instantly converting the users who are the best fit, that love your product and will tell their friends/followers too.

I’d rather have 100 loving users, than 1000 who hardly use or like it.

6. Conclusion ⚡️

Here is where you sum up the entire article (obviously).

I normally trickle back over the main points of:

- Who Spread is
- What we do/how we’re better
- Who we are made for

Then end the conclusion with a CTA (call to action) for your product.

I use:

“Spread Your Brand Like Wildfire — Free Membership with code ‘Alternative’ (active until September 17th)”

I do this so people REALLY get value out of reading my posts and this generates more visitors/signups. Having an exclusive code for people who have read this far into the article will automatically make them convert.

Further down I also include an FAQ section, with questions related to the industry, competitor, or my own brand.

I would only suggest using very relevant FAQ’s that rank highly on Google (find on Ubersuggest). This will boost word count, keyword volume, and provide more value.

Thanks for reading! 🥰

Spread is a content repurposing tool used to automatically transform YouTube videos into podcasts, podcasts into blogs, and blogs into social media posts. 🤯

All of my Medium readers are currently getting free access for life.

Spread Like Wildfire 🔥🔥🔥


Spread Your Content

Spread uses GPT-3 AI to create, correct, and curate your transcripts into content.