5 Killer Twitter Marketing Tips for 2022

Pooja Shah
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2022

Twitter helps create brand’s own content and the story. But why Twitter when we have so many other social media channels? The reason is simple.

Twitter is like that old school reliable friend of yours who never disappoints, so is Twitter. Once you start engaging and creating content for your audience you would slowly earn a strong community who listens to you and supports your brand.

One of the top advantages of having a Twitter account is the user accessibility. You can reach out to your customers, review a user feedback or attend to a complaint easily with the help of a Twitter business account.

Here’s our briefing on how to publish content and market your brand on Twitter this year:

  1. Optimize your profile for better reach

Make sure you have added in all the required information while setting up the account, proper username (that’s easily identifiable for your users, matches with your brand name), proper description of your brand services, appropriate brand images for the display icon and the banner side. Once you have checked upon all of this, you are good to go.

Realme’s twitter handle has a clear bio, banner image with their latest release and all the links set properly for user navigation.

2. Have a content strategy in place

If you are confused as to where and what to begin with, then take out some time and study about the content creation process that’s usually adopted for Twitter. Twitter adopts content in a different style, with the word limit of 280 characters — twitter is more about conveying a story through photo or video. And to never lose track you can keep your posts planned in advance and schedule them.

3. Build an engaging community

This stays true for almost all major social media channels. It’s important to keep your audience engaged and active with your content and updates. So go ahead, engage with your fellow community members and influencer posts as much as you can. Also don’t forget your user content and queries! Give an authoritative response and lend your support to your end consumers. People love when brands are responsive and helpful — something you cannot miss!

Just like Delta Airlines being interactive with their twitter audience.

Source: marketing.twitter.com

4. Video content!

Now a known fact that stays true in this age of short attention span. Videos convey the concept, message way more clearer and also you can use graphics and animations to make the video fun to watch. Instagram Reels and the raging TikTok craze (platform supporting short video content formats) is yet another reason to note.

5. Hashtags: choose wisely!

Yes choose wisely because you already have word limits so we definitely don’t want to choose some irrelevant hashtags to go with the posts. You can check the Twitter trending posts and hashtags too if you are looking to post content related to the trending topics.

Thanks for reading, and I really hope this helped you in solving your query. Follow for more!

