Are milestones significant for creators?

Bhargav Patel
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2021

Milestones, data, analytics, tracking and targeting; these are the words that every new generation marketer and content creators are working on a daily basis. And why not, we are living in a digital economy, where every click, every signup and every transaction says something about the users and the service provided.

Content consumed and produced on social media or even on digital platforms is reaching new heights every day. A great number of new users are joining the Internet every day and there is no denying that this introduces a lot of new opportunities for everyone to share their knowledge, sell their products on the digital marketplace and consume more.

But, apart from these increasing numbers of Internet users, online businesses and emerging new technologies; there is a hidden force keeping all the users hooked on the internet! And they are influencers. From sharing colourful photographs to producing web series on the OTT platforms, influencers and content creators are ruling the Internet. And, they are one of the core reasons why all of us are hooked to our smartphone and computer screens all the time.

But, as we are discussing their milestones and statistics, let’s go there!

Do milestones and stats actually matter?

Well, there could be two answers here. A Yes and a NO! In fact, a blurred third answer can also come in between.

From getting the swipe up feature on Instagram with 10000 followers and getting ahead with the YouTube partners program by getting more than initial 1000 followers, we know that the milestones and data are important for the platforms.

But, apart from them, when you achieve a specific milestone for followings and engagements, you get to become a part of a community! Not only the big numbers and huge milestones; nowadays, a lot of micro influences are making their way to mainstream marketing media. The lesser following does not mean that the influencer is not powerful enough to make a difference in the mass market.

There are people with less than 5000 followers, who are generating more revenue and engagement than the influencers having more than millions of followers in their accounts.

As a reader, you must be knowing Tanmay Bhat! He started his separate YouTube channel just before the lockdowns hit us. But, his original content and the trending online video game streaming content reached and got engagements from so many people, that he gained a lot of followers, traction and even brand deals from all over India.

In such a case, the initial numbers of followers and huge stats were not at work! The dedication to generate content, consistency and engaging content played an important role in the growth.

That is just one example. There are many examples where original and engaging content, dedication, engagement with the audience, marketing and branding played an important role in making the creator and brands associated with them bigger, not the numbers and stats.

So, if you are an influencer or even a brand looking for collaborations with the influencer to promote your services and products with them; such milestones and insights would come in handy to you.

But, as a marketer of a brand, when you are selecting an influencer to promote the product, do not run behind the stats only!


Therefore, stats and milestones should be celebrated but they aren’t the only factors to consider. As a brand or a marketer, when you are selecting an influencer to promote your product, then always remember that there are things that go ‘beyond the numbers and the stats’. Want to understand how influencer marketing works or how to choose the right influencer for your business? Check out the links below.

