Authentic Influencer Marketing: Tips for Building Strong, Lasting & Partnerships for Brands and Influencers

Sohil Shah
Published in
9 min readApr 12, 2023

The Power of Influencer Marketing

Let us begin with stating some stats right off the bat- In 2022, in the US alone, influencer marketing spending shot from 3.69 billion to 4.14 billion. In a recent survey, 83% of respondents believe in the power of Influencer marketing, which brings us to the fact that 39% of brands invested 10% to 20% of their marketing budget into IM. No wonder the Influencer Marketing industry is expected to be approximately $21.1 Billion in 2023 from the current 16.4 billion market size.

Considering how rapidly this industry is growing, we can expect good times ahead thanks to the never-ending incoming flow of social media influencers and digital creators. But behind every great success, there’s always a lurking menace waiting to rain on your parade. While it is true that 83% believe that influencer marketing is an effective form of marketing, good faith has slid down from last year’s 90%. Not to mention the real menace, aka challenge, the IM industry faces the declining faith from consumers in the authenticity of the content and their faith in brand collaborations. They are questioning everything, from influencers doing sponsored posts for money rather than authenticity to celebrity influencers misusing their fame to promote misleading claims and ethically wrong products. Every campaign or post on social media is under microscopic scrutiny, where people are ready to backlash on everything under the sun. But that’s the way of social media, and there’s no getting around to it. This is why marketing — traditional or digital- is becoming increasingly challenging in today’s world.

Influencer Marketing Challenges: A Dual Perspective for Brands and Influencers

Maintaining authenticity to measuring ROI, every aspect of a digital campaign has enough hurdles to trip creator economy stakeholders. Sponsored posts and ads are the backbones of digital marketing. However, many influencers, from Kim Kardashian to Kylie Jenner, faced backlash for promoting products for money, disregarding their social and ethical impacts. Kardashian came under fire for her Skims campaign, which featured models with limb differences. Critics accused the campaign of using people with disabilities as props, and Kardashian was accused of exploiting marginalized communities for profit. At the same time, Jenner came under severe criticism for a Pepsi Ad for trivializing social justice movements, while Pepsi was accused of co-opting the Black Lives Matter movement for profit. Influencers often fail to disclose a sponsored post, as happened when Kardashian promoted a crypto brand without disclosing that she had been paid for the post. These issues are why celebrity influencer marketing has taken a hit — brands now prefer to work with micro and nano influencers.

It’s not that the macro, micro, and nano influencers are home-free. From maintaining authenticity, demand for fair compensation, rising competition, and time management to changing social media algorithms, their plate is overflowing with difficulties.

As for the brands, the hurdles are not enough, and they have massive roadblocks when it comes to campaigning their products and services. One of the biggest issues they face is finding the right influencers to work with. With the rise of fake followers and engagement, it can be challenging to identify genuine influencers who impact their audience. Another challenge is ensuring the sponsored content is authentic and resonates with the influencer’s audience. Brands must also navigate the complex issue of disclosure and transparency, as it can affect their reputation if not handled correctly.

Measuring the ROI of influencer campaigns can also be tricky, as it’s not always easy to track the exact impact on sales and brand awareness. Social media metrics play a critical role in evaluating the success of a brand campaign, but brands often struggle to understand and measure them effectively. One challenge is identifying which metrics to track and how to measure them. There are a variety of metrics available, such as reach, engagement, impressions, click-through rates, and conversions. Still, brands need to determine which ones are most relevant to their goals and how to measure them accurately.

Another challenge is interpreting the data correctly. It’s not always about the numbers; brands must understand what they mean and how to use them to optimize their campaigns. Additionally, some metrics, such as engagement, can be easily manipulated by bots or fake followers, making it challenging to accurately assess a campaign’s success. This issue brings us back to the earlier point that brands need to ensure they’re working with genuine influencers who can deliver real engagement and results.

Best practices to deal with the challenges of authentic partnerships in influencer marketing campaigns

Maintaining authenticity while promoting products and services is key to the success of influencer campaigns, but it can be difficult to strike the right balance. Fortunately, there are several strategies that brands and influencers can implement to foster genuine partnerships and create campaigns that resonate with audiences. From setting clear goals to prioritizing transparency and open communication, several steps can be taken to address the challenges and build strong, long-lasting partnerships in the influencer marketing industry.

Identify Your Ideal Partners: According to a recent study, approximately 60 percent of brands prefer to work with more than 10 influencers at a time and prefer their influencer marketing to be campaign-based. However, the success of a brand campaign depends on choosing the right influencer. The ideal influencer can not only engage with the brand’s target market but also share its beliefs and goals. Firstly, brands must establish their target demographic and campaign objectives in detail before looking for the right influencer. Once these are in place, brands can start looking into and assessing potential influencers based on the audience they are targeting their engagement rates, and their content. They should look for influencers genuinely interested in their product or service and whose values and interests align with the brand.

It’s important for brands to look beyond an influencer’s follower count and evaluate the authenticity of their content and their relationship with their audience. This process can take time, but ensuring that the influencer’s audience is the right fit for the brand and that the partnership is genuine is essential.

Prioritize Long-Term Relationships: Instead of one-off campaigns, brands should focus on building long-term partnerships with influencers. Longer partnerships can do wonders for both parties in the long run. Longstanding collaborations with influencers can help businesses establish a more dependable and consistent brand image among the influencer’s audience, which may further increase brand recognition, trust, and loyalty. As for influencers, long-term collaborations can provide a stable and reliable source of income and opportunities to create more authentic content with brands they genuinely believe in. Moreover, influencers can strengthen their bonds with their audiences through long-term partnerships as they continue to share their genuine experiences and opinions over time. In addition, long-term collaborations provide opportunities for both brands and influencers to gain deeper insights into their audiences, which can be used to guide future campaigns and content.

Build Trust: Building trust with influencers is critical to the success of influencer marketing campaigns. One way to build trust is to be transparent with influencers about your goals and expectations. This means being upfront about what you hope to achieve through the partnership and what you expect from the influencer regarding content creation, social media promotion, and other activities.

Another way to build trust is to listen to the influencer’s feedback. Influencers can offer invaluable insights into the kinds of content that will resonate with their followers because they have a thorough grasp of their audience. Brands can produce more authentic and engaging content that will be more successful at reaching the target audience by listening to their comments and incorporating their ideas into the campaign.

In addition to being transparent and listening to feedback, brands can also build trust by being reliable and following through on their promises. This means delivering products or services on time, paying influencers on time, and communicating with them regularly throughout the campaign.

Creative Freedom to Influencers: Giving influencers creative freedom is crucial for brands to develop genuine relationships because it enables them to produce content that connects with their audience while maintaining the integrity of their personal brand. This type of content is more likely to engage and influence the audience, leading to better results for the brand. By providing creative freedom, brands can tap into the influencer’s creativity and unique perspective, resulting in more compelling content that better aligns with their brand message. This approach not only builds trust and credibility between the brand and influencer but also helps to establish a deeper connection with the audience.

Fair Compensation to Influencers: Building an authentic partnership with an influencer requires more than just sending free products or monetary compensation; it takes a deep understanding of the influencer’s audience and core beliefs. However, compensation still remains a crucial aspect of influencer marketing. By compensating influencers fairly, brands can ensure a mutually beneficial partnership that creates high-quality content and engages the influencer’s audience.

Fair compensation should be based on the influencer’s reach, engagement, and expertise. Brands should invest the time to investigate the influencer’s prior work and appraise the contribution they will make to the collaboration. Influencers, when they feel valued and appreciated, are more likely to exert extra effort to produce genuinely resonant content. Moreover, fair compensation creates a sense of trust and respect between the brand and the influencer. This can lead to a long-term partnership and help build a positive reputation for both parties.

Provide Value: In addition to monetary rewards and free products, there are several other ways that brands can provide value to influencers, like access to exclusive content and exposure to the company’s audience. For example, a brand can give influencers early access to a new product line or a behind-the-scenes look at the development process. Such exclusive content can help the influencer create unique content that provides value to their audience while giving them exclusivity.

Additionally, brands can provide exposure to their audience by featuring the influencer’s content on their social media channels or website. This can help the influencer reach a wider audience and gain more exposure to their content. It can also help build credibility for the influencer since the brand is endorsing them.

Collaborate on Content: Brands can add value and forge more genuine relationships with influencers by working together on creating content. Working together, brands can ensure that the content produced reflects the brand’s messaging and the influencer’s voice.

To begin, brands should be upfront with the influencer about their following, the kinds of content they frequently create, and what topics most fascinate them. With this knowledge, brands can develop a content plan that plays to the influencer’s advantages and preferences.

Brands and influencers can collaborate on content ideas, messaging, and visuals once the strategy is implemented. Mood boards, brainstorming sessions, and feedback loops could be used to ensure that the end product is both true to the brand and authentic. Mood boards, brainstorming sessions, and feedback loops could be used to ensure that the end product is both true to the brand and authentic. Brands can produce more interesting, relatable, and pertinent content for the influencer’s audience by including the influencer in the creative process.

Measure Results: It’s critical to evaluate the results of influencer campaigns in order to enhance your strategy and relationships with influencers. Following up on each campaign’s performance can help brands determine what worked and what didn’t so they can plan their future initiatives more effectively.

To start, brands should set clear goals for each influencer campaign. This could include metrics such as engagement rates, website traffic, and sales conversions. By setting clear goals, brands can track the campaign’s success and adjust their strategy accordingly.

After the campaign goes live, brands must track how the influencer’s content performs. This might entail tracking social media platform engagement rates, analyzing website traffic, and monitoring sales conversions. By tracking these metrics, brands can learn what content resonates most with consumers.

Spreadd: A One-Stop Creator Ecosystem for Brands and Influencers

Platform Spreadd offers a revolutionary solution to connect brands with authentic influencers in a decentralized creator economy ecosystem. By carefully vetting influencers before onboarding them, we ensure the authenticity of influencers, thus increasing the trust and transparency of the influencer marketing campaigns. Our platform also empowers influencers to participate in campaigns that suit their niche, allowing them to choose campaigns that align with their interests and values. With KPIs provided by spreadd, brands can create customized campaigns, thus ensuring the success of their marketing efforts. Additionally, our system is designed to act as an escrow for payments, ensuring timely payouts to influencers that are milestone-based. We also enable influencers to connect their social media to track their metrics, while brands can measure campaign metrics to determine the success of their marketing campaigns. Moreover, we are not just limited to digital campaigns. We will provide influencers and digital creators a marketplace to showcase their creations, which brands can use and reuse for campaigns for which they get paid a royalty for every use.

With Spreadd, brands, and influencers can forge long-lasting partnerships based on trust, transparency, and mutual benefits.

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Sohil Shah
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