Misrepresenting Sadhguru on the Corona Virus Debate

Devil’s Advocate
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2020

There is a new debate sparking on whether spiritual gurus like Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev should be called on by national and international media to talk about aspects like the novel Corona Virus and some common measures that public should be taking to be safe during this difficult period.

This is not a very widespread thing right now but am sure with the strong left-liberals ecosystem in India, the ramblings could keep growing because a Spiritual Guru is hogging the limelight that they would otherwise like to get for themselves. Already signs of it are coming out on Twitter and more pseudo-rationalists and self-proclaimed liberals may join the bandwagon.

Now, there is also an attempt to twist his words and paint him in a wrong picture using a doctored video.


Here is the fuller video of what Sadhguru actually spoke about:

This was not even spoken on National media, but in a closed gathering at his ashram in Tamilnadu. Sadhguru has clearly said the following things in this video:

- Each one of us should behave responsibly in these times by getting ourselves checked if we have even a remote doubt of having been infected

- This (COVID-19 situation) is not a short-term fix in 3 or 7 days and it will be a long haul. 7 days or 15 days of isolation is only for trying to break the cycle of virus spreading rapidly among the population.

- The Virus is parasitic and is not really with the intention of killing you because you are the host for them. Unfortunately, some people die of viral infections because they have less immunity and do not have the necessary antibodies.

- Fatality of this virus is what is concerning us. It is right now in thousands and people say it might even go into millions. Everybody can get infected and there is no choice about this. So, everyone has to be careful about it.

As usual, the pseudo-rationalists have picked up just this one point and are going about mocking him:

“Virus is not really with the intention of killing you”

They are misrepresenting it completely because the very next statement puts it in the right context.

“Unfortunately, some people die of viral infections because they have less immunity and do not have the necessary antibodies”

Here is what we know about a virus infection.

Charlotte Uetrecht, biochemist specialising in coronaviruses was interviewed by the European Research Council magazine and stated:

Viruses want to be reproduced. If a virus kills its host too quickly, its reproduction end and this is not advantageous for a pathogen

Well .. all this clearly supports the statement that viruses need a host cell to replicate, which is what Sadhguru has also said!

I would like to put in some common sense to people who are desperate to keep twisting everything he says (an impossible task I know).

Sadhguru is not a scientist and yet some national & international media are inviting him to give his opinions about the novel Corona Virus and COVID-19, simply because he is being followed by millions of people across the world and they can be positively influenced by safety measures he advocates.

If a scientist says something, most people may simply ignore him or her. But if some charismatic person like Sadhguru says it, most people may listen to it. Also, most scientists are not as articulate as he can be in telling things to people.

Sadhguru has emphasised it enough times on TV and on every other medium as well, the need for people to take this situation seriously and self-isolate themselves to keep themselves and the surroundings safe from COVID-19.

By the way, he is just giving his opinions just like any other person in the country may do. And yet some people seem to think he is not entitled to and ironically these very people talk about ‘freedom of expression’ as well in the same breath.

Do watch the full video without fail — he talks about a lot of things that people can do and shouldn’t do in the fight against the novel Corona Virus.



Devil’s Advocate

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