Review: Go Global Africa 2019 Branding

Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

It is so unlike us to be proud but hey we did it and we are proud of it. So why not make the noise.

We would love to take you on a journey for the work we did for Go Global Africa 2019 Event Organised by British Deputy High Commission Lagos and UK Department of Culture, Media & Sports. The brief, challenges, and victories. Let’s call it our little love story, so stay with us!

How it started

Mockup for the Judges’ pack

We got the brief to design Name tags, table name and location tags, roll up banner, presentation slides and Magazine for Go Global Africa 2019 Event. Go Global Africa 2019 was slated for the 8th of February, 2019. We were given barely 36 hours to get them done.

Now, maybe that wouldn’t be a reason for concern if we are not very particular about delivering masterpiece to our client but we know better.

We know in order for us to deliver the masterpiece we have sworn oaths to deliver, we have to give more, do more and go the extra miles.

How Important is what we created

Go Global Africa was established in 2012 to promote and highlight positive developments in SSA with a special focus on Trade and Investment. Go Global Africa explore the various business opportunities available in the different SSA countries through the assistance of their representative embassies based in the United States.

What we did was global designs and we knew how important it is not to disappoint or deliver one-kind-designs, in short, we dare not mess it up.

So, on behalf of all Nigerians, we hope we made you proud.

How we came up with the ideas for the designs

They wanted a map-kind-of design to link all the cities together but we had a better idea. We shared this idea with them and they loved it.

We decided it will be better to describe each city with a significant structure particular and unique to each country.

And that was the beginning of the beautiful outcomes we got.

Challenges Faced

We had limited time. An emergency brainstorming session was called and we had to go all night to achieve our client’s vision for the program.

This, in no doubt was a beautiful challenge for us, we loved it and we love the outcome.

We hope you do too……

At Go Global Africa 2019




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