Stories Journal
Stories Journal
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2015


Kory & Sarah Pohlman

Words: Noelle Thompson
Photos: Justin Meyer

Kory and Sarah Pohlman of Walnut Creek Downtown are a dynamic duo powered by the Holy Spirit and their desire to care deeply for people. Kory and Sarah are co-founders and owners in both the Reset and Kosama brands. With their three daughters, the Pohlmans’ lives are full as they strive to help people live well.

Q: Can you briefly describe your testimony?

Sarah: I knew the Gospel as a child, but what does this mean as an adult? I was finding my own path with the Lord, building more Christian relationships, and I redevoted my life to the Lord. I am grateful for God giving me so much grace for the time that I was living for the world.

Kory: I had met Sarah, and I felt like I was missing something that she had. I never had a relationship with the Lord. I always thought it was works-driven because that was how I grew up. I didn’t feel like I was worthy of it. I finally grasped that all I had to do was accept the Lord. He just washes you clean.

Q: Why are you passionate about whole body wellness?

Kory: It’s a deeper care. The body is a temple, the Holy Spirit resides there. If we can get that temple stronger, we know they can do better things. God designed our bodies so perfectly that we can heal ourselves a lot of the time.

Sarah: We had a huge passion for people. As it began to grow, we realized that this was going to be a huge opportunity to help people in so many different ways.

Q: What is something you’ve learned in the process?

Kory: Everything on how to run a business is in the Bible. It’s all in here and all applicable. There’s always an answer in the Bible.

Sarah: Understanding and embracing how to fail definitely used to be something I avoided and dreaded. You have to take risks–embracing the failures and knowing you’ve got God to pull you through.

Q: How do you handle a full schedule and a family?

Kory: Praying about it every morning. We get up and read together. It’s so easy to just walk out that door and get sucked out, 100 miles an hour. Starting the day with reading and focus helps us get through that.

Sarah: What I continue to work on is just being where I’m at. I take it seriously to be away from my family so I want to be making a difference if I’m not with them. When I’m helping somebody change their lifestyle, I want to be with them. All the while being able to have the Lord with me is such a cool thing.

© 2015 Walnut Creek Church



Stories Journal
Stories Journal

Lives made new. An initiative of Walnut Creek Church in Des Moines, Iowa.