Java | Interview Question

Top 50 Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) Questions for Interview Preparation

Piyu Jain
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
  1. How would you reverse a linked list?
  2. How would you find the middle node of a linked list?
  3. How would you determine if a string has all unique characters?
  4. How would you determine if two strings are anagrams of each other?
  5. How would you determine if a binary tree is a binary search tree?
  6. How would you implement a stack using an array?
  7. How would you implement a queue using two stacks?
  8. How would you implement a binary search algorithm?
  9. How would you implement a bubble sort algorithm?
  10. How would you implement a quicksort algorithm?
  11. How would you implement a mergesort algorithm?
  12. How would you implement a binary tree traversal algorithm?
  13. How would you implement a depth-first search algorithm?
  14. How would you implement a breadth-first search algorithm?
  15. How would you find the second largest element in an array?
  16. How would you find the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray in an array?
  17. How would you find the intersection of two sorted arrays?
  18. How would you find the kth smallest element in an array?
  19. How would you determine if a linked list has a cycle?
  20. How would you determine if a binary tree is balanced?
  21. How would you determine if a binary tree is symmetric?
  22. How would you determine the maximum depth of a binary tree?
  23. How would you determine the maximum path sum in a binary tree?
  24. How would you find the longest common prefix of a set of strings?
  25. How would you implement a hash table?
  26. How would you implement a binary heap?
  27. How would you implement a trie?
  28. How would you implement a graph?
  29. How would you implement Dijkstra’s algorithm?
  30. How would you implement the Floyd-Warshall algorithm?
  31. How would you determine the maximum flow in a network?
  32. How would you implement a minimum spanning tree algorithm?
  33. How would you implement a topological sort algorithm?
  34. How would you implement a maximum bipartite matching algorithm?
  35. How would you implement a knapsack problem algorithm?
  36. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the longest increasing subsequence problem?
  37. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the coin change problem?
  38. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the rod cutting problem?
  39. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the 0–1 knapsack problem?
  40. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the matrix chain multiplication problem?
  41. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the longest common subsequence problem?
  42. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the edit distance problem?
  43. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the longest palindromic subsequence problem?
  44. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the maximum subarray problem?
  45. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the longest increasing subsequence problem?
  46. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the minimum edit distance problem?
  47. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the longest common substring problem?
  48. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the longest zigzag subsequence problem?
  49. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the longest even-odd subarray problem?
  50. How would you implement a dynamic programming solution to the minimum deletion to make the sum of the array divisible by k problem?

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Piyu Jain

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