Purple Moon

Spring Cheng
The Voice of Spring
1 min readOct 12, 2018

An Original Song

Moon is purple, plums are ripe
It is the season when my heart falls
Who will be there to catch me?
Will it hurt when I hit the ground?

Kisses of sun, tears of rain
Raven comes and sings for me
Who will be there to catch me?
Will it hurt when I hit the ground?

I dream in a world without you
Waking up only to watch you leave
I spend my day remembering you
Turning every rock looking for your stories
I fall asleep under the purple moon
Under the sky you’ve dreamt for me
I hear your voice whispering to me
Just keep dreaming I will return to you
Just keep dreaming I will return to you
Just keep dreaming I will return to you

Once every ten thousands years
On a night lit by the purple moon
I will return to
Catch you



Spring Cheng
The Voice of Spring

Great change is happening every moment on the planet. I invite it to speak, sing, and breathe life into me. Co-founder of Resonance Path Institute.