The Story of Yin-Goddess and Yang-God

Spring Cheng
The Voice of Spring
3 min readOct 12, 2018

This is a story about Yin and Yang. In native Chinese cosmology, Yin and Yang are archetypal energy that permeate every phenomenon of the universe.

The world is co-created by a Yang-God and Yin-Goddess. They take turn sleeping and waking up. When they sleep, their dream becomes the world that their partner lives in his or her waking life. That is how they sustain the creation of the universe. For a long, long time, they can never meet each other while both are fully awake.

When she sleeps, she cradles him in her dream. Her dream is the world he lives in.

In this world she dreams for him, he only has a faint idea of her image. His heart is filled with longings for her. He goes around to look for her, projecting her image on every woman he meets in his world. But all women are all just a pixel of her but not the real her. Because she is not part of the his world; his world is part of her.

Eventually she wakes up and he falls asleep. And they exchange roles.

His dream is the world in which she lives her waking life. Now she lives her life searching and longing for him, projecting his image on every man in her world. But all men are only a pixel of him but not the real him. Because he is not part of her world, her world is part of him.

The cycle goes on and on like that. The universe is being created through their longing, desiring, loving making, heartbreaks and tears. Day and night. Dream and awake. Tens and thousands of years go by.

Finally, one day, she finally understands what is going on. She understands that he is a void in her heart that she will never fill, yet he is everywhere around her. There is nothing in her world that is not part of him. So she accepts that this unfulfilled longing is her connection to him and stops projecting his image onto other men.

She learns to love every man in her world, and knows that none of them is him. They are all an imperfect version of him. Living inside his dream means she will always feel this unfulfilled longing, and in this longing she feels close to him. In this longing, she learns to love herself and accept her own imperfection.

When it is her turn to dream, she pours all her longing and passion into her dream, knowing that her dream will hold up the sky under which he lives. And maybe, just maybe, one day, he will understand this too…

And then, once every ten thousands years, there is this one day when finally they can meet when both are awake. As the sun rises, as he is about to wake up and she has not fallen sleep, they meet for a brief moment and embrace each other in full flesh. As the sun sets, when she is about to wake up and he has not gone sleep, they meet for a brief moment and embrace each other in full flesh. They are so happy to finally hold their beloved in their arms. Their happiness has painted the most beautiful sunrise and sunset.



Spring Cheng
The Voice of Spring

Great change is happening every moment on the planet. I invite it to speak, sing, and breathe life into me. Co-founder of Resonance Path Institute.