Say Goodbye to What No Longer Serves You

Karlyn Percil- Emotions Are Data.
Spring Cleaning
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2017

Hello warrior!

Have you started your spring cleaning yet?

I’ve heard from many of you who have joined me in the #Cityline spring cleaning challenge. Many of you cleared out rooms buried in unused stuff while some of you unfollowed people that no longer inspired you.

I’m so happy to see that so many of you are clearing out space so that you can welcome more abundance into your life!

While I love to see how determined you are to clear the physical clutter in your lives, allow me to remind you about the emotional clutter & weight we store away and carry with us from season to season.

In most cases we carry the emotional weight in food, that painful back pain, insomnia, busyness & more — hidden yet in plain sight.

Let’s be clear, there are emotions that are stuffed away in those drawers, hidden between the piles of paper, pushed down when you smile and say “it’s okay” to the friend who continually takes from you.

Clutter doesn’t just happen. Emotional weight doesn’t just happens.

It’s a buildup of emotional energy that will take more than just a trash bag and organizers to clear.

Everything carries energy — the clothes we wear — the clothes we buy — the clothes we give away. I have cleared out my closet and have clearly identified the items I purchased when I was going through an emotional roller coaster. I recently picked up a dress which brought me right back to that painful moment in my life when I was dealing with a toxic boss & to be honest I recoiled. The memory of trying to displace my pain was so vivid — I have a physical reaction to it.

Sometimes we keep objects & people around -not realizing that both carry an energy that we may not be aware that is unconsciously draining us…we hold on, and when we get rid of that item unconsciously it continues to weigh on us way after it is gone.

Let’s all remember that one ex-boyfriend who did us wrong but we continued to “check-up” on him or keep his number stored in our phone contacts under the name “do not answer!” for years after the breakup.

Let. It. Go. You are still holding on physically, spiritually & yes, emotionally. Delete that number. Purge. Breathe. Make space. I get how hard it is.

We are prone to do the 3 P’s performing, perfecting & pleasing

In decluttering we often think of it from a place of pleasing or performing…hence the reason some still feel heavy after decluttering because the reason “why” we declutter is coming from the outside!

We often tidy up our lives because of how it looks externally without stopping to consider our intentions behind it all.

To get to the deeper stuff and set ourselves free, we need to uncover the unconscious reason WHY we declutter which can add more “emotional” weight to our shoulders than helping.

Spring cleaning is meant to push you forward — Spring signifies a refresh a renewal and a first start to a lighter version of who you are.

Here is what I like to call my spring forward philosophy — this will help you consciously declutter your 1st home — your soul.

S: Set your intention — what is the purpose of your decluttering? Get clear on your WHY.

P: Purge what’s on the mind. Do a brain dump.

R: Release the ghost from the past — the items wayyy back in the closet/pantry.

I: Investigate your storeroom — aka your inbox & your subscriptions. Delete what no longer serves you.

N: Nurture the relationships that matter — there are only that many spots at the dinner table.

G: Give gratitude for everything. What’s leaving & what’s staying. An end is simply a beginning.

Can you think of some areas of your life where you need to spring forward? Reply to this email and let me know how you will be clearing your emotional clutter. I’d love to hear it!

If you have any questions or need further guidance and support with conducting your emotional spring cleaning — feel free to reach out! Let’s work together on getting you closer to living a life where you L.E.A.D (live & engage authentically daily). Find out how I can help you create a life you love, my 90 minute VIP Bold Action Coaching Program is now open. We can schedule a 20 minute discovery call to see if this is a right fit for you. This program isn’t for everyone, hence the reason I am only accepting a limited number of women.

I would love to support you on this journey.

Your Success Cheerleader,



Karlyn Percil- Emotions Are Data.
Spring Cleaning

CEO: KDPM Consulting Group INC. Trainer & Consultant: Diversity, Inclusion & Racial Bias, Wellness Advocate. Creator: #TheWEllBeingPlaybook