Why Your Blind Spots Are Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals

Karlyn Percil- Emotions Are Data.
Spring Cleaning
Published in
5 min readMay 3, 2017

Hello warrior,

If you’ve ever said to yourself…

“I’ve tried to [insert goal: lose weight, save money, find a partner, etc.] but can’t seem to do it.”

Today’s success note is for you.

The truth is if you are reading this post you are a part of this bold & brilliant network, then you are already talented, ambitious and have the capacity to fulfill any dream you may have. (Those who you surround yourself with are a manifestation of your spirit and our squad is filled with empowering ladies.)

So let’s talk about why you’re stuck and why your current strategy is not working.

When you have been exercising and eating right but still have not lost those last 10 pounds. Or, you have designed the website you wanted for your business but still aren’t generating the sales that you expected. You’ve been eying this promotion at work but your boss passed you over yet again. You’ve been meaning to get out of this dead end relationship. Start the great idea — Feels like everything is right there but out of reach.

I get it. I’ve been there. Good intentions. Yet somehow never really got to where I truly wanted to be.

Let me ask you this: Are there some blind spots in your strategy that you can’t see or a habit that is holding you back?

Are you in alignment with what you are seeking?

As adults, we say we want one thing — yet our behaviour doesn’t match up. Blame it on our brain — it hates change & loves patterns.

Brain Tip: We are hard-wired to resist change — the brain is constantly scanning the environment to ensure that we are safe — this is it’s primary function.

So if you find yourself falling back onto old habits — believe that you are normal if you find yourself resisting change. There is a reason why it becomes more and more difficult to shed ourselves of unhealthy habits as we get older — citing to always doing things the way that we have always done — believing that “this is just who we are.”

Yes, it’s true. We are a sum of our habits. Our habits and patterns drive our personality and our behavior.

Too many of use the I am just “stuck in my ways” as an excuse.

But it’s also important to understand how the brain works in order for us to be patient with ourselves & set ourselves up for success by laying new pathways — new patterns that support the best version of ourselves. When I feel like I’m hitting a wall and don’t see any progress with my goals, I turn and either step away from my goals (goal fatigue is real) or do what I call a Habit Audit. This usually reveals any emotions I am trying to avoid — which helps me pinpoint the cause of my derailment.

How can you truly expect transformation if you are not willing to do things differently?

Understanding that doing things differently will send your brain in a “Flight, Fight or Freeze” mode — which will interfere with your innate need to evolve and blossom.

You want the end result without the discomfort –this won’t happen — either you settle for mediocrity or be you have to be willing to take a step back, reflect on what’s working and not working and then be flexible enough to change some things. Think about how to harness the power of your brain. Of it’s resistance to change.

Instead, we decide to sit back with excuses of “I tried.”

I challenge you to try harder. To try something different this time. To experience life differently. Now that you understand how the brain works — I ask you this.

Why haven’t you reached your goals? What is keeping you stuck? Have you tried doing things differently?

This week, take some time to use a paper based tool like the Success Planner to write out the goals that you are struggling to achieve.

Make a list of everything that you have done so far.

Identify the steps needed to get ahead closer to this goal.

Then take a few moments to brainstorm ideas and strategies that you haven’t considered yet.

Create a daily win list — what are the things you must do daily that will keep you aligned with your goals? Start here.

Writing primes your brain for new patterns. This increases your success rate.

But how will you get closer to your bold goal?

Maybe you have your exercise routine perfected but need to hire someone to get you closer to your nutrition goals so you can shed those stubborn pounds?

Have you considered hiring a coach to help you write that pitch that will get you the promotion you need?

Have you written your bold ASK to go for coffee with that person who has your dream job or who started that business idea you have been dreaming of?

I’m just saying that before we say I can’t or it won’t happen, we must make sure that we have done all we can and exercised every possibility before we give up.

If you are looking for an accountability partner or have questions about how to identify the blind spots in your life — feel free to reach out! I would love to support you on this journey.

Your Success Cheerleader,



Karlyn Percil- Emotions Are Data.
Spring Cleaning

CEO: KDPM Consulting Group INC. Trainer & Consultant: Diversity, Inclusion & Racial Bias, Wellness Advocate. Creator: #TheWEllBeingPlaybook