Integrating pa11y-ci in your CI/CD pipeline

Joviano Dias
SpringerNature QA
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2017

You can always use the pa11y dashboard to cover the accessibility testing needs of your website. But !

  • Dashboards go out of visibility and need care and monitoring
  • You can still release without conforming with accessibility standards

Enter pa11y-ci, with a smoother integration of pa11y within your CI pipeline than the existing pa11y command line utility.

Two useful references to get started are:

The official-readme, well!
A useful post by Andrew Mee - automated-accessibility-testing-node-travis-ci-pa11y/

Here’s how we set up pa11y-ci for our needs

A. Config file for each environment the app will be deployed to


.pa11ystaging would look something like

"defaults": {
"timeout": 15000
"urls": [

B. the package.json

"name": "my-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"pa11y-ci": "^1.2.0",
"scripts": {
"start": "node app",
"test": "make test",
"test-pa11y-ci:local": "./node_modules/.bin/pa11y-ci --config .pa11ylocal"
"test-pa11y-ci:dev": "./node_modules/.bin/pa11y-ci --config .pa11ydev"
"test-pa11y-ci:staging": "./node_modules/.bin/pa11y-ci --config .pa11ystaging"
"test-pa11y-ci:live": "./node_modules/.bin/pa11y-ci --config .pa11ylive"

C. Run it

npm install && npm run test-pa11y-ci:staging

D. Run it as part of your post deploy test phase


DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

cd "$DIR"/.. && npm install && npm run test-pa11y-ci:$1

which can be called in your post-deploy-run-script file in ci tailored per environment via -

./ staging

Combining all of the above, our directory structure looked like this, for reference sake

| //Script to run post deploy to dev
| //Script to run post deploy to staging (calls pa11y-ci via staging)
| //Script to run pa11y (accepts env param $1)
.pa11ystaging //config files

that’s about it!

