Bringing Bold Flavors to the Butter Aisle — Meet Brooklyn Buttery

Doug Dresslaer
Sprint Accelerator
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2019

We continue our Founder Stories this week with the self-proclaimed “Butter Boy.” Read more about Brooklyn Buttery from their founder and CEO, Josh Green.

Tell us about your Company

Brooklyn Buttery makes compound butters (butters mixed with flavors). We currently sell 4 flavors: sea salt, sriracha, lemon, and maple. With our butters, we aim to allow home cooks to conveniently add bold and distinctive flavors to their dishes. Our butters can be used in all different types of preparations from baking to broiling as well as sautéing and schmearing.

How did your company get started?

The company started in 2017 after finishing culinary night school classes and felt unfulfilled at my job in corporate sales. After the classes I decided that food was the career path that I wanted to pursue. While having a beer with friends discussing different food concepts to start, I came to the idea to bring compound butters out of restaurant kitchens and into those of home cooks. I bought the website that next morning and began working on prototype flavors. I then began to sell at farmers markets in the summer of 2017. After finding success there I began to sell into stores in the spring of 2018.

Describe your current stage

We currently have begun working with distributors and are distributed throughout the Northeast Region and at several Whole Foods. We are looking to get additional funding to help expand outside of the Northeast Region and increase sales through marketing efforts.

What made you interested in joining the DFA Accelerator?

As a company in the dairy space, I saw there was great potential to learn from the largest dairy cooperative in the United States. I knew that DFA had significant experience in the butter space and saw the potential for great mentorship from people on all sides, from production to sales.

Being an early stage company, I think it’s important to seek mentorship to avoid pitfalls and to get perspective from industry professionals.

What are your goals in being part of this program?

I want to understand how to grow our company into a national brand. I’m excited to work with everyone at DFA to get the knowledge to succeed in our space.

What has been your biggest takeaway or benefit from the program so far?

I think realizing how much I really have to learn. I think it’s incredibly humbling being in a room of people with decades of experience in the dairy product space and having them giving you advice and educating you.

What has been the most exciting/fun/hilarious moment of the program so far?

Having a community that is going through the same struggles and successes you are and being able to relate to each other about that.

Do you have any advice or thoughts you’d want to share with future entrepreneurs?

It’s ok to take time for yourself! You don’t need to be on 24/7.

Originally published at

