MOPRO: More than Yogurt

Emily Hicks
Sprint Accelerator
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018

This week, we’re welcoming the nine companies of the 2018 Corporate Accelerator Program back to Kansas City for a wide range of company-building meetings and workshops. Michael Moran, founder and CEO of MOPRO, took some time out to share with us about his journey as a startup founder and CEO.

Tell me about MOPRO!

MOPRO is the first ever Greek yogurt to have a protein-to-sugar ratio of 24g:4g — higher than any other yogurt on the market. Infused with cross-flow microfiltration whey protein, we are the next evolution in the yogurt category.

MOPRO is the fresh solution for people looking for a high protein, low sugar, healthy snack that is rich in beneficial fats and probiotics and has only 6 clean ingredients.

Can you tell us a little more about this market and the problem you are solving?

We are advancing the yogurt category by creating a functional food that is part food, part supplement. MOPRO is giving active, health conscious individuals an innovative option in the dairy section.

How did you decide to create MOPRO?

I wanted to create a clean, high protein food that was low in sugar. I never understood why protein bars, shakes and even conventional yogurt all claimed they were “high protein” — but then they would have the same amount of sugar as protein (or in some cases even more sugar than protein). I also wanted this solution to be made from safe, clean and transparent ingredients. Enter MOPRO.

What were some of your goals in coming to the Sprint Accelerator? What were you hoping to get out of the program?

I was super excited to meet fellow entrepreneurs and find out how they tackle some of the same challenges MOPRO is going through. The opportunity to closely work with the experts of DFA has been nothing short of amazing as well.

What has been your biggest takeaway or benefit from the program so far?

The biggest takeaway for MOPRO has been what we’ve learned about the importance of building the right team. Hiring the right people is one of the most vital things for any startup to get right. Sprint/DFA do an excellent job stressing this point and helping us develop solutions to achieve our team’s goals.

How have things been going with DFA so far? How has the program impacted your business model?

The program has made us aware of a lot of the challenges we will face in the future, and it has helped us prepare to start working on solutions before the challenge even arises. The accelerator has helped us understand how important it is to pivot in the beginning, as well to find the business model that delivers the most traction early on for your company. As a startup founder, discovering that everyone is going through many of the same challenges has also been valuable. We all have to tackle a lot of the same challenges!

Michael has been a fantastic contributor in the Corporate Accelerator this year. Our community event is THIS Wednesday, April 18th, from 5:30–7:30! Come join us for light appetizers and meet MOPRO! Register here if you haven’t already.

