Is Coronavirus Good Or Bad For Corona Sales?

Jack Ahearn
Sprint Digital


Brands like Bunnings with their sausage sandwich debacle and Arnott’s Shapes with their ‘new and improved shapes’ fail have shown that what can be perceived as negative publicity can actually boost sales if the publicity in question does not undermine the brand’s core image. What does this mean to Corona in the face of the outbreak of Coronavirus?

This may be a controversial question (maybe not even an important one) in the scope of the loss of life and hysteria taking place across the globe. Nonetheless, it’s a topic I have thought of a lot over the past few weeks as a specialist in digital marketing, maybe even more than what could be considered a normal amount. We have all seen many dad jokes on social media linking Corona with Coronavirus, but what do these types of associations mean for the brand?

Your office right now.

What can’t be argued is that the number of times you have heard the word ‘Corona’ in the last few months is at an all time high, even if it is followed by the typically negative term ‘virus’. You have to take the good with the bad, I suppose. The fact that we are even talking about it in this article is giving Corona further top of mind awareness. All the times you have heard ‘Corona’ on the news, on social media, mentioned in the office, or all of the other places it’s been splattered are having a direct impact on Corona sales.

Let’s be real. If you had to pick a list of things you don’t want your brand associated with, a pandemic is up there with famine and mass rioting. It would be like naming a brand built on safety after the Trojans and then the Trojans having a major security issu- oh wait.

What history has shown is that as long as these negative associations don’t contradict or clash with a brand’s core image, the brand does not have much to worry about. So in this case, a flu-like virus started in the Chinese city of Wuhan has really nothing to do with a refreshing lager style beer from Mexico. Are you going to get Coronavirus from drinking Corona? I’m no medical professional, but I don’t think so. Is Corona to blame for releasing the virus? Unless they have moved into selling animals at wet markets, I think we can safely say no. The negative sentiment does not matter, in fact in this case it’s providing a boost.

Australia right now.

So none of this is bad for Corona, right? I think for the most part… yes. However there have been studies conducted in the US with some pretty crazy statistics. I couldn’t believe this one. 16% of Americans are confused whether or not Corona has anything to do with Coronavirus. While this makes me want to shake my head, I can’t say I’m totally surprised. This study is slightly flawed in its application. When you buy a beer, the bartender won’t ask you whether or not you associate Coronavirus with Corona. They’ll ask you what beer you want, and maybe ask you how you are if they are nice or not exceptionally busy. Because Corona is at the top of our minds, it is more likely you are going to order one now than before the pandemic. If you were never going to order a Corona because you’re a craft beer snob, this won’t apply to you. It is more if Corona was in your ‘evoked set’ (brands you would consider when making a purchase).

If you think Corona has something to do with Coronavirus

One thing we can be sure about is that Coronavirus will propel the phrase Corona to the top of mind for billions of beer drinkers across the globe. In times of uncertainty some people will be reaching for a beer as much as they’ll be reaching for toilet paper and if the past tells us anything, the one they are reaching for will be Corona.

Thanks for reading, we hope you all stay safe and free from hysteria during #coronavrius2020. Remember, your staff can’t be sick if they are made of code.

Catch us at your local during the outbreak



Jack Ahearn
Sprint Digital

Digital Marketing Manager and automation enthusiast at Sprint Digital.