Prototype and test new products and services.

How do you make sure you’re building what the market wants?

Luke Battye
Sprint Valley
4 min readSep 25, 2017


“The Design Sprint (Google Ventures’ design process) gives you a superpower: it lets you fast-forward to the future to see your finished product and customer reactions, without any expensive commitments” — Jake Knap, Google Ventures

How do you back the right ideas?

Most ideas look great on paper but suck in real life. The trick is finding out, quickly and with minimal expense, which ideas customers like, which ones they don’t and what you need to change to make them fall in love with your product or service.

We’ve taken the best of Google’s Design Sprint methodology and blended it with our own unique approach to prototyping. We turbo-charge the teams’s ideas with trained psychologists to create higher performing prototypes that drive more meaningful shifts in behaviour, in less time.

The process takes 5 days, Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm. By day five you will have working prototypes of your product / service that have been battle-tested with real customers. You’ll know where to go next, which solutions you can invest in with confidence, and what changes you need to make to create a real point of difference in the market.

We will help you:

  • Assemble an A-team of problem solvers
  • Create high-fidelity prototypes of your product or service
  • Test them with real customers and get invaluable feedback
  • Avoid investing in ideas customers don’t care about

Preparing for your Sprint

Before the Sprint we will help you build a phenomenal team for the week, get everyone prepared and find experts we can interview who will help your team get a brand new perspective on which problems the market want you to solve.

Before the Sprint we will help you:

  • Assemble an incredible sprint team (6 or 7 people)
  • Recruit experts to interview about the problem your idea solves
  • Prepare your team to crunch through the problem at speed

Welcome to Sprint Week

The Sprint will run for 5 full days, Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm each day. We’ll need a dedicated team from your side (usually 3–4 people) and we will provide an expert facilitator, UX specialist and psychologist.

During the 5 day Sprint we will help your team:

  • Define a vision for your product or service
  • Map out the problem your product/service addresses in detail
  • Interview experts about the subject area to learn what the market wants
  • Identify which problems would be most valuable for your product to solve
  • Explore how other businesses solve similar problems
  • Develop over 50 potential solutions and short list the strongest solutions
  • Storyboard how customers will interact with the new product/service
  • Create high fidelity prototypes of the new product/service
  • Interview real customers about which ideas they like, hate and love

Running after you Sprint

You’ll end an inspiring week with a battle-tested prototype (or two) and fresh insights into what your team needs to deliver to succeed. We will help you wrap up the work we’ve achieved and turn it into an actionable plan that your team can use to keep the momentum going.

After the Sprint we will help your team:

  • Consolidate learnings from the Sprint week
  • Prioritise changes and improvements to the prototypes
  • Build a product/service development roadmap

Interested to learn more about how we could help you? Get in touch.

Want to see what our clients are saying about us? Check out our testimonials.

