Discover how your customer experience is impacting revenue and loyalty.

What does it really feel like to be your customer?

Luke Battye
Sprint Valley
3 min readSep 26, 2017


What does it really feel like to be your customer?

Learn how potential customers think you could deliver more value than your competitors to create a real point of difference.

Discover how your customers buy, what impacts their decisions at each stage of the process, what they expect from brands like you, which parts of the process they feel are most in need of innovation and finally, discover which factors can impact loyalty.

We can help you:

  • Survey your marketplace and map out common buyer journeys
  • Interview customers about their real experiences
  • Build buyer personas that help focus your team on the right issues
  • Identify customer pain points and competitor vulnerabilities
  • Learn where potential customers see gaps in the market

Where could you improve revenue and loyalty?

Hear expert perspectives on what’s holding back revenue and loyalty at each step of the customer journey.

We assemble an expert team to ‘walk the corridors’ of your customer experience and audit how you deliver each interaction, at every step of the customer journey. From here we will map out these insights and pinpoint opportunities to improve both revenue and loyalty.

We can help you:

  • Audit and document the current customer journey
  • Identify unmet needs at each step of the journey
  • Pinpoint the areas that are holding back revenue
  • Get visibility of which changes could improve loyalty and referral

How do you get your team excited for change?

Unlock enthusiasm for change in your team by helping them put these findings into context and build a shared vision for change.

We use a unique workshop format to bring together your team to build a united plan for change. We brief them on the insights we’ve uncovered and create a platform to combine their expertise and build a joined-up plan for how to improve performance.

We can help you:

  • Deliver a powerful workshop that gets your team solving real problems
  • Get your team opening up and talking about the real issues
  • Unite your team around the imperative for change
  • Give them tools to build shared plan to deliver more customer value

Interested to learn more about how we could help you? Get in touch.

Want to see what our clients are saying about us? Check out our testimonials.

