Google was ‘inspired’ by me ?

Dhina B
3 min readMar 27, 2017

No, I am not joking but I don’t know how to react to this.

Google has helped me many times for many things and I am very much thankful to Google for that reason.

But I am also feeling and disappointed that they didn’t give the credit to the actual creator, why they need to do this ? I am very sure that they will be having one of the best design team in this planet, then what made them do this ?

Ok, let me tell you guys what it is, the below logo was created by me nearly 7 months back for a project.

My project’s logo
Dribbble’s screen shot

As you can see I published this design on March 14th 2017 in while the Android O logo was released on March 21st 2017. 7 days is more than enough to grab the concept and make things out of it. Wasn’t it?

It’s 90% similar to what I created, they have changed only the colors and removed the icon from the top. Please check the below link and image of their logo.

Android O’s logo

Why I am confident in saying it was copied by their designer(s) ? because they did the same shadow mistake that I did. Any designer can find the mistake if they spend some time looking at the design.

Here is the back-to-back comparison.

Back-to-back comparison

Another thing is there is a another logo in their article, which explains about adaptive icons and that icon or logo matches the name “Android O”, is this the actual logo they created before ? did they changed their mind at the last moment ?

Check the links and image below,

Android O’s actual logo ?

I know that I created this logo 7 months back, work file in my PC will tell the date and will tell the date when I shared in it.

I don’t understand how this could happen. Could this be a ‘coincidence’ ? Could a mistake also be repeated if it is a ‘coincidence’?

Even I know that using lengthy shadow in a icon will look alike material design kind of thing.
But using 3 circles and shadows in that particular way is what I doubt about..

A logo with 5 circles can be designed in many ways, but creating a logo with 5 circles similar to Olympic symbol is something different, we cannot go just like that by saying circle is a common thing, because there is a creation and logic behind the circles, 5 circles represents 5 continents.
Similarly there is a logic behind why I used 3 circles in my design…but what made google to use 3 circles ? Is there a logic or any connection between number 3 and Android O ?

I am really confused and disappointed with this.

I also feel pity for Google.

