Links & Resources

Photo: Ben Filio for The Sprout Fund

This curated list of links and resources can help you learn more about the history of badging, key insights about the theoretical framework that underpins the work, and a list of frequently updated sites that include currently available badging tools and platforms.


  • History of Open Badges: The history of open badges, as told by the IMS Global Learning Consortium, the managers of the Open Badges Specification since 2017
  • Chicago Summer of Learning: A video detailing the pioneering work of educators leading digital badging and Connected Learning initiatives in Chicago, with a special focus on Dr. Nichole Pinkard and the Digital Youth Network
  • What is a badge? Approachable video that introduces the world of digital badging
  • IMS Global Learning: Articles and blog posts from the manager of the Open Badges Standard

Theory, Research, & Practice

Tools & Platforms

  • Open Badges Participating Platforms List: This is a live running list of available digital badging platforms and their features (published January 2017)
  • Badge Alliance Participating Platforms: A list of digital badging platforms affiliated with the Badge Alliance (last updated June 2017)
  • Digital Badge Platform Overview: A whitepaper from researchers at the University of Southern California’s Center for Scholarly Technology comparing digital badge platforms; an older article, but includes a nice framework for comparing badge platforms’ features (published November 2013)



The Sprout Fund
What We Learned: The Sprout Fund & Digital Badges

Communities are better places to live, learn, and thrive because of the people and ideas supported by The Sprout Fund in Pittsburgh.