Maddie Drukarsh
Sprout At Work
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2018


3 Ways to Liven Up Your Workspace

The space that surrounds your employees at work has a huge impact on mood and productivity levels. Commit to making your office space as accommodating and uplifting as possible by considering the 3 following starting points:

  1. Fluid workspace

Create common work areas for your employees. Not only does this encourage people to regularly move around and take mental breaks, this actually promotes creativity and cooperation.

What do I mean by this? Start by offering different seating options: bean bags, treadmill desks, couches, bar stools, stand up desks…

2. Company events

Simple and fun company events break up the day and make the work week feel shorter. For instance, having a potluck on Wednesday gives people something to look forward to on a day that often feels like it will never end! Organizing events on a regular basis also promotes a positive and friendly work culture and gives people the chance to talk about other things than work!

Sophie @ Sprout recommends snack day, when all employees bring their favourite snack into work to share with the rest of their colleagues. This week’s event at Sprout is a veggie secret santa.

Kiara @ Sprout is avid about stretch breaks and facilitates short yoga sessions for our team on Wednesdays at 2:30pm!

3. Bring the outside in

Whether you bring in some fake plants or real ones, the feeling of nature promotes relaxation, lowers stress and boosts mood! Though nothing beats the benefits of stepping outside for a walk, ‘indirect nature exposure’ such as natural light still has some stress reducing effects.

Takeaway: By making positive changes to your workplace environment your organization can successfully lower stress and complaints that stem from stress, while also providing a boost of energy to your employees! BUT this is just one piece of the puzzle; Sprout provides a holistic solution to corporate wellness through an online platform for optimal results. To learn more contact us at

