4 Ways to Stay Awake and Energized Throughout Your Work Day

Sophie Gibeault
Sprout At Work
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2018

Instead of overdosing on coffee throughout your day to stay focused and energized, incorporate these 4 elements into your daily work routine!

  1. Morning workouts — According to fitness and nutrition expert Mitzi Dulan, working out in the morning can increase mental clarity for up to 10 hours! Get moving in the morning for an all natural energy boost to increase and maintain your productivity at work.
  2. Take a breather! — When you start to feel tired at work take a break. Go for a walk around the block or chat up some colleagues in another department. Your break can be as short as 5 minutes. Taking a step back will allow you to return to work with a refreshed and recharged mind.
  3. Power nap — If possible, take a quick snooze at some point during the day to restore alertness and productivity levels. If you work from home, taking a nap is more doable. If you can’t take a short nap, opt for a guided meditation session using your favourite meditation app.
  4. Eat smaller meals more frequently — Having a small snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon will help you power through your work day between meals. Eat snacks made up of complex carbs to prevent your blood sugar from crashing. Try snacks such as yogurt and granola, vegetables and hummus, or cheese and grapes!

Have a great day!

Sophie at Sprout at Work

Sources: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/27/when-to-exercise_n_3982906.html, https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-topics/napping/page/0/1, https://www.livestrong.com/article/404375-low-fat-sodium-cholesterol-snack-foods/

