4 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Commute

Kristy Walton
Sprout At Work
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2017

What if I told you that you could have two hours every day to yourself, without being bothered by anything or anyone, and to sit back, relax, wear your comfy at-home-clothes, read a book, listen to some music, or even watch a movie, all while snacking on a treat?

You would say yeah right, I wish I could have that! Well truth be told you probably already do but don’t realize it.

Get ready for some scary stats…

- “The average commuter would need a 40 per cent pay raise to be as satisfied with life as an equivalent non-commuter” reported Oliver Burkeman in a Psychologies article.

- Lauren Gelman blogger for RD stated, “According to a 2012 study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, people with longer commutes had higher blood pressure, bigger waistlines, and were less fit than those who worked closer to home.”

- Another scary fact from the Huffington Post determined that, “Long commutes have been linked to a number of negative health outcomes, including high stress levels, poor sleep, unhealthy weight, and even a shorter life”.

- Commuting isn’t just hard on your health. “Swedish research […] found that couples in which at least one partner commutes long distance are 40 percent more likely to separate than other twosomes.”

Yikes! Not only do you need to keep your work/life habits healthy but it’s time to focus on the in between. Now that we know how commuting can be so terrible it’s time to focus on the 4 ways to fall in love with your commute.

1. Be Prepared

Leaving early honestly will make a night and day difference for your trek to work. If you’re driving your car and you didn’t leave early enough hitting traffic is like bumping into the death eaters from Harry Potter — you can’t move, it’s completely out of your control and it just sucks the happiness out of your day. It’s definitely a situation you want to avoid all together. Now being late for the train may not be a death eater experience but it is even more frustrating. Imagine that you leave the house a total of 1 minute late … literally only 60 seconds and then you’re sitting at the light waiting to turn into the GO station and you have to watch your train leave you all alone. But wait! It doesn’t have to be this way. Take 15 minutes before bed to lay out your clothes, find your keys, and pack a lunch for your next day. This will allow you to sleep in a little longer and leave that extra 5 minutes early to start your day off stress-free!

2. Entertain yourself

Originally when I started commuting, I hated it! It was boring, I had nothing to do, and I couldn’t wait till the ride was over so that I could be at work and start my day. Man, I couldn’t have been more wrong. My day started from the second I woke up and as cliché as this may sound, it’s true… life’s about the journey not the destination. Take this time as your me time. Do something that you usually wouldn’t have time to do in your normal busy life. Read a book, listen to a podcast, sing along to some music, talk to a friend, write in your journal; it really doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s something you enjoy. I know I’m a little behind the ball but I just finished the popular podcast series called Serial. It’s about a reporter that does her own investigation on a murder case and it’s definitely something I would recommend to entertain yourself on your commute to work.

3. Pack a healthy snack

This idea came from my mom because she is literally the only person I know that thinks about food 24/7. I think this mentality has grown on me because as soon as I am on my way home I start thinking about what I’m going to have for dinner that night. Not even two minutes in and my stomach starts to growl. I know I’m not the only person that this happens to because as I’m driving I see all the fast food restaurants with big lines of people who couldn’t resist their cravings and caved into their urges. This comes back to the first tip, be prepared and pack a snack. Develop healthy habits and bring something you enjoy eating to treat yourself at the end of your hard-working day but still healthy to nourish your insides. I always get excited when I pack myself a trail mix of different nuts with a few smarties or a bowl of fruit salad.

4. Wear comfy clothes

One of the main reasons people dislike their commute is because they can’t wait to just get home and relax. What people don’t realize is the sooner you get home the less time you have to relax. You will have to make dinner, do the dishes, clean the house, do the laundry… the list goes on and on. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy your commute. First and most importantly change your shoes! Not only will ditching your heels or dress shoes make your commute more comfortable but it also sends a trigger to your brain that your work day is over. It’s also a great idea to change into comfortable clothing. This will help you enjoy your commute as a regular part of your day rather than feeling the need to rush through it.

Stop dreading your commute and start looking forward to it. Follow these 4 suggestions to fall in love with your commute. For more information on how to keep your work/life balance healthy visit www.sproutatwork.com!

All the best,

Kristy Walton

