6 Tips To Help You Get Past a Plateau

Maddie Drukarsh
Sprout At Work
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2018

So you’ve been hovering around the same weight for a while… How do you lose the last 5–10 lbs you’ve been trying to shed for as long as you can remember?

Tip #1: Switch up your workout routine.

Make a conscious effort to push yourself if you notice your workout is too easy.

Try something new at the gym (supersets, bodyweight workouts, circuit training) or even try a new gym altogether!

Tip #2: Try new foods.

Eat new healthy food items you haven’t tried yet. Switch up your snacks, try a new veggie or new healthy recipe each week. Fuelling yourself in a new way might help spark the change you’ve been looking for!

Tip #3: Cut down on hidden natural sugars.

Unfortunately there is such a thing as eating too much fruit and dairy… Aim to eat a maximum of 2 servings of fresh fruit and 2 servings of dairy per day. Swap that extra serving of fruit with a veggie and a protein (veggies and hummus, or celery and peanut butter).

Tip #4: Take a break. Take a few rest days — even a rest week! Get back into your routine when you’ve recharged, have more energy and feel motivated again.

Tip #5: Try a new tool. Download a HIIT timer or buy yourself a device that will motivate you and get you out of your comfort zone.

Here are a couple we enjoy at Sprout:

Running apps: Nike Run, Headspace guided runs

Workout apps: Nike Training, Sweat

Websites/Youtube channels: Fitnessblender, Whitney Simmons

Now you’re ready for results!

Maddie @ Sprout

Sources: https://www.jamieoliver.com/healthy-living-tips/, https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/10-tips-to-overcome-a-weight-loss-plateau/ , https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2017/03/21/how-much-fruit-is-too-much-according-to-health-experts_a_21903646/

