Forget the 1%. Become part of the 8%, the SMART way.

Sprout at Work
Sprout At Work
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2016

Statistically, you probably were not part of the 8%. Yet, you had the greatest of aspirations last year. You know you are not a quitter, but why is keeping a New Year’s Resolution so very hard? What did those who succeeded do differently? It turns out, we have the secret: they got SMART.

Here are Sprout’s 5 steps for a SMART start to 2017.

Where are you heading?

S is for specific. To reach your destination you need to know what it is. Many New Year’s Resolutions are abandoned because they were never developed beyond a vague statement. “This year I will lose weight” is the most popular resolution, but it lacks the important details that take you from failure to success.

A much more effective goal is “I will lose the 10 pounds I have gained since last New Year’s”. You have now moved beyond the general category of weight loss, to an amount personalized for you. Creating a specific goal requires you to dig deeper, and determine exactly what it is you want to accomplish.

You know your destination; what about the journey?

M is for measurable. In other words, we need a way to benchmark our progress along the way. The purpose of this is two-fold. Not only do we get a shot of motivating validation as we reach each mini-milestone, we can also self-correct before our goal self-destructs.

“I want to be fit and healthy”. This is another popular resolution made (and abandoned) each year. Once we have given it a “specific” makeover — “I will improve my fitness by training for my first 5 km this spring” — we are ready to make our goal measurable. Yes, this step is the heavy-lifting in SMART, when we need to create concrete steps for reaching our destination. Time to plan your running schedule to get race ready! As for those cold winter mornings when it’s hard to find the motivation, it’s a good thing we already have the next step taken care of!

Who’s on board?

A is for Assignable. Our goals are personal, so we need to take responsibility. Does that mean we are on our own? Absolutely not! Wellness takes the proverbial village. A dietician, a running club, a wellness program; there are many options for support that can help us reach our goals.

Sometimes we know from the onset that our resolution will require additional support. Smokers who have the backing of friends and family are more likely to quit for good. Other times, it isn’t until we begin to get off track that we realize the need for help. Whether it is someone to cheer us on, finding those who share our goals, or enlisting the help of a trained professional, bringing others on-board is an excellent strategy for reaching our goals.

Are you headed into the clouds?

R is for Realistic. Dreams are great, but reality can be better. Take the fantasy out of your New Year’s Resolutions by setting goals within reach. Go big or go home can often mean you never take off.

Was 2016 supposed to be your year of financial wellness? Did it leave you feeling overwhelmed and underprepared instead? This year, set your sights on one specific goal, for example, planning a budget. Not only will it be more manageable in terms of time and effort, when we focus on one area of our wellbeing, there is often a positive spillover effect.

What’s your ETA?

T is for Timeline. This one seems easy. By committing to a date and planning according, you will meet your ETA. However, a timeline is not necessarily a deadline.

At their heart, most New Year’s Resolutions are about long-term, systemic change. Eating well, exercising more, making time for friends and family are continuing goals. A timeline gives you a target for each milestone along your journey; a point at which to celebrate your accomplishments; and a moment from which to strategize for the next leg of your ongoing adventure.

This year, it’s time to make your New Year’s Resolutions SMART. Welcome to the 8%.



Sprout at Work
Sprout At Work

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