How To Solve Your Biggest Problems With Working Out

Sophie Gibeault
Sprout At Work
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2017

Want to get in the habit of working out more than twice a year? Wondering how people who workout every single day find the motivation and stay motivated? I have it figured out from a psychological perspective:

The power of habit

Plan it out — Let’s say you want to go to the gym 4 days a week. On Sunday night take the time to look at your schedule and figure on which 4 days you have time to go the gym. By Monday, I usually know at around what time I‘m going to workout on each day of the week. Planning ahead allows you to prioritize your workout schedule and to schedule other last minute plans around your workouts.

Rest day — It’s important to take at least 1 rest day a week so you don’t burn out. My rest day is not on a particular day. I sort of use it as a “get out of jail card” when I have appointments, late work days or make the odd exception to last minute plans. If nothing comes up during the week then usually I’ll take the day off on Sunday.

Morning workouts — Next thing you want to consider is working out in the morning if you can. Working out in the morning is great because you get to enjoy that after workout feeling ALL DAY! Also — it gives you less time to make excuses. If that’s not a possibility for you, then after work it is!

Be ready — My next recommendation is: set out your workout clothes and your gym shoes the night before and have a pre-workout snack ready to go. It might sound silly but this helps make getting to the gym as effortless as possible. Engaging in this consistent pattern of behaviour allows your body to get into the habit of working out.

In other words, eventually your body will know that “HEY I JUST GOT UP/ OR I JUST GOT HOME FROM WORK, means I’M GOING TO WORKOUT!” by setting off a string of habitual actions. Why do you think athletes have these crazy pre-game routines? This gets them in the game: it sends a signal to their body/brain that it’s go time. Getting TO the gym is the hard part. These tips will help turn all the things you need to do before working out into habit that requires little to no mental effort. Working out has become as important and as effortless as brushing my teeth. Why? because it’s not perceived as an option, but rather as part of my daily routine.

The power of stretching — my last suggestion is to really take the time to stretch and breathe after a workout. Often we find ourselves rushing to get our workout over with and then we’re onto the next thing we need to get done. Not only is stretching a good idea to prevent injury and improve your flexibility, it also serves as an after workout reward… THAT ISN’T FOOD! Take the time to let your body realize that working out can make you FEEL GOOD!

In short— Get your head in the game and that will solve most of the problems you have with working out!


See Sprout for more ways to attain and maintain a healthy lifestyle at home and at work.

