Make this September a New Year — 6 ways to reset your wellness this fall.

Catherine Adams Schimpl
Sprout At Work
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2017

Are you ready to reset your mindset?

The kids are back at school — meeting teachers, exploring ideas, developing their learning, and enjoying new experiences. Take a page out of their notebooks and discover how beginning fresh in September is the perfect kick-start for a great year.

Resetting your mindset allows you to create goals that reflect your current reality and provides a roadmap for where you want to go. Harness the energy of the changing season and the “back-to-school” outlook in order to tailor your own wellness agenda. To help you get “top marks’ we’ve put together a plan: 6 Ways to Reset for your best year ever.


Back to school shopping is a ritual, and no first day would be complete without a stocked backpack. Do you have what you need to meet your goals? Bring your running shoes to the office to inspire a lunch time walk. Pack your exercise clothes with you so that it’s straight to the gym rather than the couch after work. Have your refillable water bottle ready, and find yourself staying hydrated throughout the day.

Bonus Tip #1 Pack the night before, and in the morning you are out the door.


Your key to know where to go, and when. As work and commitments pile up it is easy to let a “I’m too busy to exercise” mentality take over. Give your health the priority it deserves by scheduling your workouts. Book your exercise into your calendar as you would any appointment, and discover how much easier it is to keep your date with improved energy and vitality.

Bonus Tip #2 Schedule reminders on your computer or smartphone to prompt you to get up and stretch throughout the day.

Gym Class

Make gym class a favourite part of your week. What sport or fitness routine did you enjoy in the past, or have always been curious to try? By examining your exercise likes and dislikes, and catering to your personal preferences, your workouts will be more rewarding. Plus, it’s easy to be motivated to do something you love!

Bonus Tip #3 Take a trial class to see if the instructor is the right fit for you.

Pack a Healthy Lunch

Is lunch spent with your computer, eating whatever the vending machine has to offer? Just as children need proper nutrition to learn, we need to think about how we fuel our body and brain. A homemade lunch lets you control sugar and sodium, and will give you the energy to stay focused and engaged throughout the afternoon. An added bonus — it saves you money too!

Bonus Tip #4 Learn to love leftovers. Some recipes taste even better the next day!


Was recess your favourite part of the day? Breaks can jumpstart your creativity while giving your body needed movement. The car-desk-couch sedentary lifestyle is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, some cancers, and even increased anxiety and depression. Break the cycle by scheduling in regular movement: book a walking meeting, bypass the elevator for the stairs, set reminders to move, and discover how many ways you can fit a little recess into your day.

Bonus Tip #5 Walk to your co-worker rather than emailing. Not only are the extra steps good for your health, but the social time is too.

Clubs and Teams

It can be better together. Extracurriculars give you the chance to enjoy a group of people who share your interests. Whether it is a run club, a biking group, or a collection of like-minded knitters, joining a team or club has a great list of benefits: committing to a group will help boost your motivation; you will gain knowledge shared by other members; plus, the camaraderie you enjoy boasts mental health benefits too.

Bonus Tip #6 An online social platform builds community while helping you set goals, track activities, join events, and connect with others.

Fall for a fresh start this September by resetting your mindset. It’s never too late to learn!



Catherine Adams Schimpl
Sprout At Work

Content manager Willing to put down a great book for an even better conversation.