Sprout Your Success: The Benefits Of Trying Something New

Sprout at Work
Sprout At Work
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2016

Dip your toe in. You are thinking about it. You like the idea, and you are almost committed. Is it time to take the plunge?

Better health, increased energy, improved relationships — what’s not to love? However, even the best changes can feel overwhelming. New is exhilarating, but it can also be a bit scary. Whether we are planning for ourselves, or strategizing for a group, the same doubts can creep up. Do I have the time, expertise and resources?

Time devoted to old habits can be converted to better choices, change doesn’t need to happen in isolation, and when we embrace something new we are also opening ourselves up to the resources that will aid us in our journey. Whether it is at the personal or public level, instigating change becomes easier when we remember why it is so important to explore new choices.

Here are six compelling reasons why new really can be better.

1. Trying a new exercise or sport helps take the strain off of overused joints and muscles by challenging our body in a fresh way, and can put the fun back into exercise. We know it’s easier to find the time to do something when we enjoy it, and increasing our daily movement improves health outcomes, and is even linked to a reduction in anxiety.

2. Challenging ourselves to try something new is not just physically good for us, it also enhances our emotional and mental well-being as we develop both confidence and resilience. Building on our successes we become receptive to new experiences and more willing to tackle problems.

3. Committing to something different gets us out of a rut we might not have even realized we were in. This type of stagnation lowers productivity and can breed a sense of helplessness. We can replace boring routines with something that energizes us, making our wellness aspirations more compelling and easier to commit to.

4. Embracing new experiences also allows us to establish relationships or reconnect with others. Power-walks with an officemate; recipes shares within a department; signing up for a company charity event, all allow us to forge and strengthen relationships.

5. We may enjoy the objects we bring into our lives, but human nature is one of adaptation, and over time those objects become lost from our sight. Experiences are different: a game played or a challenge undertaken can last with us as a treasured memory without losing its importance. Taking the time to try new experiences enriches our lives and helps shape who we are.

6. New does not mean alone. Trying something new gives us a reason to connect with a larger community and allows us to share resources and information. In our busy and competitive world support and expertise are always welcome, empowering us to focus our time on what matters most.

Ready for a change? Arm yourself with information, let Sprout deliver the strategy, and discover how trying something new is actually good for you, because really, can anything that promotes a healthy, more fulfilling lifestyle be anything but positive?

Dive in!

Originally published at www.sproutatwork.com.



Sprout at Work
Sprout At Work

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