Book Review — Gigged

The Gig Economy, The End of the Job and the Future of Work by Sarah Kessler

Spur Collective
Spur Collective
2 min readMay 2, 2023


Sarah Kessler’s “Gigged” is a detailed and comprehensive exploration of the ever-evolving landscape of the gig economy. Kessler expertly delves into the complexities that both workers and companies must navigate in this new world of work, highlighting the opportunities and challenges that this work presents. Kessler weaves research and storytelling creatively including human stories, and facts, and asks tough questions on the topic. The focus on workers, social systems, and structures as well as the companies paint a great image of what gig work entails.

The book covers a wide range of topics, from the concerns of gig workers regarding flexibility, pay, security, and benefits, to the power dynamics at play within the gig economy, including the roles of app founders, consumers, and service providers. Kessler also explores the impact of the gig economy on work commitments, work hours, and productivity levels, as well as issues related to working from home, layoffs, upskilling training, and work supervision. Kessler also tackles the issue of digital literacy, questioning the equality of the internet as an employer and exploring how workers navigate the competition when creating their digital profiles. She also highlights the role of social media in forming unions and promoting entrepreneurship for gig workers.

The book analyzes how companies market their platforms and the value proposition presented for gig workers. It presents considerations on ways to turn gig work into a career with benefits, examining remuneration, mentorship opportunities for workers, creating career ladders, and taking into account the prior work experience of gig workers. Throughout the book, Kessler raises thought-provoking questions about the future of work, including the role of politics and policies in shaping the gig economy and the impact of the gig economy on economic security. She also touches on platform cooperativism as an expression of worker voices.

The book offers a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the gig economy, exploring both the benefits and challenges of this rapidly changing world of work. We recommend this book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of the gig economy.

Inspired by the work of Kessler and other literature that we have come across we look forward to sharing our experiences and insights as researchers in Kenya who have been working on studies in the digital economy. Stay tuned. #spurcollective#storytelling#platformlivelihoods#futureofwork#researchanddevelopment

Originally published at on May 2, 2023.



Spur Collective
Spur Collective

People, culture, and digital platforms. We are interested in how digital technologies can advance economic opportunities for all. #techresearch #digitalcultures