SQA Mate Test Cases Management System goes to GitHub+Stackoverflow business model

Alexey Himself
Software Quality Assurance’s Mate
3 min readJan 8, 2021


I imagine a world where test cases ideas are maintained and shared all over the world, so we — software developers of any kind — could use that global knowledge base made by engineers to test our software x10 times faster and better. Not to invent tests, but to get them from a global knowledge base like we take goods into the basket in supermarket — to cook them at home.

3 years ago, in January of 2017, I wrote an article, where I’ve put my vision on the table:

Described problem still exists. And no one still built any system like that. But I do. All these years described system was (and still is) under construction.

During these years SQA Mate test cases management system already helped tens of QA Engineers all over the world at their projects. It’s UX design evolved to help QA to work with tests faster. My workshops on writing test cases faster and better help QA Engineers to level-up their writing skills that leads to even higher efficiency.

And now it’s time to get us to next level!

Empower individual

I want this system to be Global. Individually Global. To give this powerful tool of collective and individual work to every QA and IT specialist on the Planet. I want to empower IT Engineers to do the work their own way and to unite.

Idea of “shared” test cases appeared long time ago:

but now it becomes even more actual.

Imagine if you could register in Test Cases Management System, like in GitHub, pay for it $1…$3…$5 USD/month, write there test cases for your public and private projects, unite with other Engineers to create organizations and write private and shared semifinished test cases — to use them in your private projects. These semifinished test cases could be formed by Stackoverflow model: with ranks of best, modern and simple steps. So the steps and tests could evolve naturally, with community moderation.

I think such a system could support itself on its own! I’d wanted such a system in our world! Don’t you?

I don’t want to invent test cases anymore! 99% of test cases on the Planet have already been written! I just want them in one place — to get there and to invite them to help me with testing my products faster and better.

I want Engineers to unite and to share their test cases ideas in a special place — where everyone can contribute and share, build their own portfolios and ranks and base for their future projects. Test cases are in the same system — so they can be easily pushed from project to project, from public to private, from private to public seamlessly. Contribution. Global Knowledge Base. Portfolio for Quality Assurance. Looks nice, isn’t it?

It’s not yet ready. It’s in progress. I am alone on this. And I need help of people of any kind (Developers, Designers, Operations, Marketing, …) to make this fo real. If you just a user of the system who shares his/her feedback — you are already a valuable contributor and co-author!

Are you with me? If yes, contact me.



Alexey Himself
Software Quality Assurance’s Mate

I write about practical and effective techniques that help me and my colleagues in everyday software development and testing.