What’s a Job that Test Cases Management Tool is hired to do?

Alexey Himself
Software Quality Assurance’s Mate
3 min readJan 16, 2018

About a year ago I’ve heard for the first time about Jobs To Be Done concept and it significantly changed to the better my understanding of Product Management, Software Engineering and Software Quality Assurance disciplines.

Now I consider every product and every product’s feature as an employee, that is hired to do some job.

And I find, that some products or features do their job better than others. I.e., some products or features fit their purpose better than others. In other words, some of them more quality ones, than others.

But quality — is an execution level. And good execution level roots in good questioning of a purpose of the product or feature it was created to solve. This means, that you need to think a lot, to ask a lot of questions, to spend much time — to make a quality thing. A thing, that solves some problem the best possible way today.

And now my question to all the test cases management systems creators: what’s the job to be done do you create your systems for? What’s the problem do your customer’s customers have, that you help them to solve with your system?

You need to help your customer’s customers to solve their problems!

— Zig Ziglar

Your customer’s customers don’t have a problem with managing test cases, guys! They probably don’t even know what test case is! But they do have a problem with bad software quality, because Quality Assurance Engineers have been busy managing test cases, clicking here and there all around, rather than working with software itself!

That’s why if you build test cases management systems to help QA to manage their test cases (and I see, that most of you do), then you don’t understand the problem, guys! The problem is — bad quality of software and/or slow pace of updates.

The job that test cases management system is hired to do— is not to help Quality Assurance Engineers to write test cases better. It’s job — is to help Quality Assurance Engineers to deliver the best possible quality software as fast as possible.

And one of the ways to make it real — is to make test cases design as fast and as seamless as possible.

You may ask: what’s the difference between systems designed to write test cases better and systems designed to deliver best possible quality software through writing test cases better? And the answer is: the difference is in focus.

Those who build systems to let you write better test cases, they give you better test cases (various font decorations, tons of parameters and fields, etc.). Those who build systems for better software quality, they give you just what really matters in the process delivery quality software (few fonts decorations, few input fields and parameters, etc.). The difference is in focus on the end-result: better test cases or better product.

Why is this important? Because software quality — is what makes people happy. Both Software Engineers, Managers and Directors of any kind. Good quality software makes software customers happy, because they get real solutions for their problems, for their jobs to be done.



Alexey Himself
Software Quality Assurance’s Mate

I write about practical and effective techniques that help me and my colleagues in everyday software development and testing.