Design Skills

Craig Pears
SQL Confidence
Published in
1 min readOct 21, 2016

Over the years I’ve put countless hours of effort into my work. Many of them have been spent learning the art of front end development and how to make websites look really nice.

I’ve done several pet projects designing websites for myself and others. I’ve even worked for a few months at a high end digital design agency, learning from how the best designers and UX experts work.

Over the past few weeks I have been going through a massive learning experience and how strong my skills are in certain areas has really started to “click” for me. Sadly my design skills and artistic flare really are not in the set of things that I’m good at, not even slightly or at all really.

So it’s time to crack open the piggy bank and see if we can get some creative help from a designer on a freelance website. Within minutes of putting up the job posting I’ve started getting several applications that haven’t followed the instructions in the post, but I hold help to find that gem that can make the look and feel of the website come alive!

