Setting up Highly Available RMQ cluster on AWS

Aniket Bhatnagar
SquadStack Engineering
6 min readMay 22, 2017

Task queue or message brokers accept and forward messages. They act like a post office. Task queues manage background work that can be executed outside the usual HTTP request-response cycle. Thus they can make your application seem faster while also making it more efficient. Asynchronous message passing and processing have various advantages and have increasingly become indispensable.

Not having a highly available system can lead to loss of queued tasks/messages and the application servers being unable to queue new ones. This obviously isn’t a desirable state for a system with high-reliability needs.

The solution for this is to setup a Highly Available (HA) system.
High availability is a characteristic of a system, which aims to ensure an agreed level of operational performance, usually uptime, for a higher than normal period.

What needs to be Done

In a nutshell, we need to create an RMQ cluster with queue mirroring enabled, which means, we will not be dependent on 1 RMQ node to maintain queues and pass on tasks to the consumers. Plus tasks of each queue are mirrored to all other nodes in the cluster as well. So in an event of one of the nodes going down, all its master queues will start functioning from the next oldest node available in the cluster.
For example, we have a cluster with two nodes, R1 and R2. R1 has queues q1a and q1b while R2 only has one queue, q2. The configuration will look as follows:

But when we enable queue mirroring, each queue will have its mirror on every other node in the cluster. In our case, we will have three additional queues, q2_m at R1 and q1a_m and q1b_m at R2, as shown:

How it works

In the above example the queues q1a, q1b and q2 are called the master queues while the mirrors q1a_m, q1b_m and q2_m are called slave queues. The protocol followed in such a configuration is as follows:

  • Whenever a task is published for a queue, it is enqueued onto master queue first from where it is mirrored to all other slave queues. Similarly, whenever a task is consumed from the master queue, it will be dropped from the slave queue(s) as well.
  • If there are n nodes in an RMQ cluster then any queue made on any node will have a mirror on every other node in the cluster. So there will be n-1 slave queues per queue in a cluster.
  • In the case of multiple slave queues, the oldest slave is promoted to become the new master in an event of the master going out of order.
  • A message sent, for a queue, to any of the nodes in the cluster only gets enqueued if the node holds the master queue, else it will be sent to the RMQ node that holds the master queue for that queue and the message gets enqueued over there.
  • Continuing with the aforementioned example. A task T1 sent to node R1 for queue q1a will get enqueued directly to q1a and subsequently get mirrored to q1a_m.
    And a task T2 sent to node R1 for queue q2 will first be routed to R2 where it will get enqueued to q2 and subsequently mirrored to q2_m.
  • Similarly, a message is always consumed from the master queue and subsequently dropped from the mirror queues. If a consumer tries to make a connection with some other node it will be routed to the correct node internally.
  • Communication between RMQ cluster nodes is only possible when each RMQ node has the same Erlang key. This Erlang cookie on Linux system is usually present in the /var/lib/rabbitmq/ directory.

Implementation Details

RMQ nodes

  • From the EC2 management console page, create a new security key which shall be same for all the AWS instances. Let this be named “rabbitmqkey”.
  • Create a new security group, to be used by our EC2 instances, with the following under inbound ports:
SSH                TCP             22
Custom TCP Rule TCP 0-65535 <this security group>

In the above step adding your own security group to the rules might not be possible without creating the group first so create the security group first with SSH rule only and later add the 2nd rule.

  • Create a new AWS EC2 instance (First node of the RMQ cluster). Use the same security group and security key created in the previous steps.
  • Upon creation of your instance ssh into your EC2 machine and run the following commands to set up an RMQ node running on this instance.
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
sudo rabbitmq-server -detached

The Management plugin is provided by rabbitMQ to be able to check status of tasks and queues present on the particular node and in the cluster.

  • Now, to ensure that each node of the rabbitMQ cluster has the same erlang cookie and to avoid installing RMQ on each server, we will create an AMI (Amazon machine image) of the above EC2 instance.
  • After the image is constructed, create a new instance using that image. Make sure this instance also belongs to the same security group (and also, is created in a different availability zone, because then what's the point?)
  • SSH into the new EC2 instance created and type in the following commands:
sudo rabbitmqctl stop_app
sudo rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@<private ip of 1st EC2 instance>
sudo rabbitmqctl start_app
sudo rabbitmqctl cluster_status

'join_cluster' will connect this second node to the cluster to the 1st node.

  • Next, SSH into the main RMQ node and set the HA Policy. The policy needs to be activated just once for the entire cluster and should ideally be done at the first node of the cluster. The command for the same goes as:
sudo rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-all "" '{"ha-mode":"all","ha-sync-mode":"automatic"}'

Load Balancer

We used AWS’s Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to set up our load balancing. ELB directs requests to its nodes in a Round Robin fashion but we need not worry about it as the messages will get internally routed to the master node when need be.

Launch an ELB with the same security group as was used to create the EC2 instances. Set the load balancer’s port configuration as:

  1. 5672 (TCP) forwarding to 5672 (TCP) — For producers and consumers
  2. 15672 (TCP) forwarding to 15672 (TCP) — For the management plugin

Congratulations, your highly available RabbitMQ system is ready!!


ELB resets the connection with the application servers periodically. Thus, it is possible that your producers send a task to the ELB which gets lost because of this resetting of connection between the ELB and the nodes.
In such situation, we will need to enable confirmation of the tasks published. The solution discussed here is specific to Celery based integration with RMQ where backend is built on Django. The following needs to be set in in such case:

BROKER_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS = {'confirm_publish': True}

This way, your publisher will wait for the RMQ to send an ack before sending any further tasks to the same queue.



Aniket Bhatnagar
SquadStack Engineering

MS CS student at NYU (Courant Institute of Mathematical Science)