Put an End to Your Toxic Relationship with Remote Interviews

Make it Official

Zachariah Moreno
2 min readJan 15, 2019


Relationships are complex enough without being long-distance, and the same is true for interviews. Do a quick search for remote podcasting and you’ll find that the solution is, often, not as simple as you might think. Either they offer decent audio — but little by way of customer service — or they make it a hassle for your time-strapped Guests to setup and connect. It’s about time for remote podcast interviews to not suck so much. Settle down without settling at all with SquadCast.

For the past two years, our work has been a labor of love fueled by the podcast community. It was not enough for us to build a platform that just records remote interviews because that is not enough for the community we serve. This partnership pushes us to be the best version we can be. Namely, our first official step out of beta: SquadCast v1.

In an industry full of talkers, our super power is listening.

Without it, we would not have been able to gain clarity on what matters most & what doesn’t, ultimately helping us define what v1 means. We listened to the San Francisco Podcasters Association when they told us that “audio drift is a huge problem.” For them, it wasn’t enough to help Podcasters record interviews on the fly. Just as paramount is the post-production experience of editing the audio. We have kept that in the forefront of our efforts by prioritizing studio-quality WAV files without audio drift.

We listened to Dave Jackson when he told us that “it just needs to work.” He, like many others in our community, wants something that is approachable to audio professionals as well as those who are just entering production for the first time. We keep logistics out of the conversation so experienced Hosts and first-time Guests alike can just “show up and hit record” (as Liz Covart succinctly put it). Recording with your Guests requires no signup or setup from them, getting all parties into the session quickly and hassle-free.

You deserve to have a reliable podcasting service in your life. We exist to amplify your ideas and conversations, not hinder them. Try us out free for a couple of weeks. SquadCast may just be the remote interview platform of your dreams.



Zachariah Moreno

Latino startup founder // Co-founder CEO & CTO at SquadCast.fm // Podcaster // Author // Developer // Designer