How We Wrote a Self-Hacking Game in C++

Zachary Canann
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2018

I’ve been hard at work on Squally, a game in C++ to teach hacking. However, this creates a small problem: If we want to publish the game on Steam, then we can’t force people to download hacking tools first. Our solution? Put the tools inside the game, and let the game hack itself.

This had another unintended consequence. If the game hacks itself, then we need some low-level control over the game — and for that, we need a low-level language. C# and Unity were no longer an option, so we had to start looking at some C++ options.

We narrowed it down to two options. The first option we considered was Unreal Engine. Unfortunately, this engine is not very great for 2D games. Also, Unreal takes 5% of game revenues, which does not make sense if it does not add value. For these reasons, we settled on a lesser known engine called Cocos2d-x.

To emulate real hacking tools, there are only two things that we needed. First, a disassembler for converting the raw machine code into human-readable x86 assembly (or at least hacker-readable). The second thing we need is an assembler to do the opposite.

With these two tools, we effectively have a game that can read and write its own code. We just have to tell the game exactly where to look, which we will explore later.

Reversing a healing spell in Squally, by changing `inc` to `dec`.

Of course by letting users rewrite the code in assembly, the user can easily crash this game! But as any hacker knows, crashing things is just part of the job.

However, there are some cool ways to mitigate this. One option is to save the state of the program (registers/stack) before the hackable region of code, and restore it after it executes to prevent silly mistakes.

For those who like to live a bit more dangerously, there are libraries for ignoring segfaults and other errors, which is pretty frightening. This is no match for a simple jmp 0x00000000, but it may be good start for easing some of the inevitable frustration of an aspiring assembly programmer.

Now for the nitty gritty details. A completed sample project is located here:

To accomplish our goal, we leverage three libraries:
AsmTK + AsmJit for assembling:
UDIS86, a disassembler:

One might expect the steps are as follows:

  1. Find instruction(s) we wish to edit
  2. Disassemble them into x86/x64 assembly instructions, as strings.
  3. Modify those strings, and assemble them back into raw bytes.
  4. Write those bytes back to memory, overwriting the original instructions

This seems reasonable, except when we try it… the program crashes.

Upon digging deeper, it turns out that the protections for the page of memory that contain the code is marked as Execute only. It needs to be readable and writable. In Windows, this can be done using the VirtualProtect function in windows.h . In Unix, this is done via mprotect.

The next problem we need to solve is finding code we want to be able to assemble and disassemble. To solve this, we place markers around sections we want to be hackable, as done below.

The important features here are the HACKABLE_CODE_BEGIN() and HACKABLE_CODE_END() blocks. These emit a small sequence of useless x86 instructions.

Once we have these markers in place, we can grab a pointer to this function, and search for the markers! Everything in between these markers must be the code we want the user to be able to change.

For those interested in the implementation details of parsing, see theHackableCode class in the sample project.

Now that all technical problems are solved, we simply glue it all together! Below, we have created a function called hackableRoutineTakeDamage(). Notice the line health -= damage . This is the instruction we are going to self-modify.

In the runExampleHealth() function, we extract the hackable segments, and then patch the code with hackableCode->applyCustomCode("nop") .

As you might be able to guess, the second time we call hackableRoutineTakeDamage() , no health is subtracted! The health -= damage line has been effectively removed by self modifying code!

For those with a background in assembly, you may have noticed that 1 nop is far less bytes than the original instructions. The remaining bytes are filled with nop instructions automatically behind the scenes.

Hopefully you learned something, and if you’re interested in following our progress on our game, you can check out Squally on Steam!

Looking for additional learning resources on game hacking? Check out content from our partner Guided Hacking!

