Open sourcing Square’s WomEng Handbook

Everything you need to start, or expand, a Women in Engineering group in your community.

Square Engineering
Square Corner Blog
1 min readFeb 3, 2016


Written by Alyssa.

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At Square, we have a strong, supportive, and empowering community of women engineers and allies. We come together as a group: WomEng. Our group grew from a mailing list to regular, in-person gatherings. Today, WomEng has expanded outside of Square and includes a large network of women engineers.

We had many conversations and meetings to establish our group and come up with our recurring events. So, to help others start or expand a WomEng group in their community, we’re open sourcing a handbook with everything someone needs to get started.

The handbook can be found on GitHub at

Pull requests are welcome. We encourage you to share your own resources and event ideas. Together, we can continue to grow the WomEng community.

