Square WomEng Hear + Now Tech Talks: June 2016

Lightning talks by women engineers on the theme “How to _____? 10 Minute Guides to Get You Started.”

Square Engineering
Square Corner Blog
3 min readJul 26, 2016


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Written by Marie Chatfield.

Square WomEng hosts a quarterly lightning talk series, Hear + Now, that gives a voice to accomplished engineers across the tech industry. Women, genderqueer, trans, and nonbinary engineers and allies are welcome and encouraged to attend.

This quarter’s theme was: How to ____? 10 Minute Guides to Get You Started. Each of our speakers presented on a practical and helpful skill related to their work in the tech industry.

If you’re interested in attending or speaking at a future Hear + Now event, please join our newsletteror follow @SquareEng.

Watch all the videos on our WomEng Hear + Now 2016 Q2 playlist on YouTube.

Square WomEng Hear + Now: How to recover from a dead API by Liana Lo

Everything is on fire and you can’t fix it with a rollback — what do you do next? Step 1: Hide the fire. Step 2: Put out the fire. 🔥🔥🔥

Born and raised in San Francisco, Liana Lo’s desire to connect with people around the world brought her to live and work in Phoenix, Beijing, Taipei, Jakarta, and Budapest. She returned to San Francisco this past April to begin her role as a software engineer on Square Cash. Previously, she was an engineer at Prezi and Intel.

Square WomEng Hear + Now: How to act like a manager by Jan Chong

What does the daily life of a manager look like? How do you know if management is the right job for you? And what skills do you need to develop to be a successful manager? Get the inside scoop and a bunch of real talk from a real live engineering manager.

Jan Chong is a Director of Engineering at Twitter, where she runs Client Engineering, including Twitter for Android, Twitter for iOS and Twitter.com. Prior to joining Twitter in 2012, Jan ran client and server development at OnLive, a cloud gaming platform. Jan graduated from Stanford with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science and a PhD in Management Science and Engineering. In 2013, Jan was named one of 21 Rising Technical Superstars by Hackbright Academy.

Square WomEng Hear + Now: How to board the Docker ship by Jesika Haria

So you’ve heard about Docker — but what is it, exactly? How does it work? And when should you use it? Learn all this and more in 10 minutes!

Jesika Haria’s Dr. Jekyll is passionate about enhancing the data experience as a software engineer at Trifacta, a big data analytics research spinoff. She holds a B.S. in EECS from MIT, where her research focused on databases, ranking algorithms and network science. Previously, she hacked on graph search at Facebook and automated iOS app binary analysis at Securigin. She hosted DataKind SF’s first-ever Data Dive, connecting local NGOs with data professionals to gain objective insight into their programs.

Her Ms. Hyde also loves dancing to Afro-Latin beats, creating tech-art, solving puzzles and catching up over burritos mojados.

Square WomEng Hear + Now: How to present with Go by Peggy Li

Create presentation slides from a simple file format using the Go present tool, and easily deploy to Google App Engine. It’s fast and easy to get started, and you can make your first presentation without writing any Go code!

Peggy Li is a software engineer on the Infrastructure team at Clever, a platform that connects K-12 schools and learning applications. She previously worked at LinkedIn and majored in Economics and Computer Science at Duke. Her favorite programming language is Go (surprise?).

Square WomEng Hear + Now: How to cross pollinate artistic and scientific thinking into a productive workflow by Jackee Chang

Use lessons learned from storytelling and the artistic process to improve your software development workflow. With this framework, you can better understand your users and craft high-quality, empathetic solutions that meet their actual needs.

As a filmmaker who consistently creates thought-provoking, subversive, and socially-conscious material, Jackee Chang is always on-the-go. Armed with a passion for travel, literature, photography, and exotic cuisines, Jackee always knows how to keep things colorful and exciting. She also currently works for Apple’s professional development software team for Final Cut Pro as a Sr. Software QA Engineer. It is certainly a way to keep life interesting with diverse worlds constantly colliding.

