Tech Talks — A Peek Into iOS Engineering at Square

Demos and lightning talks on iOS engineering now available

Square Engineering
Square Corner Blog
1 min readJul 23, 2015


Written by shuvo chatterjee.

Heads up, we’ve moved! If you’d like to continue keeping up with the latest technical content from Square please visit us at our new home

During the week of WWDC, we hosted a tech talk to share some of the things we’re doing at Square in iOS engineering. We enjoyed getting to chat with so many of you. For those who weren’t able to attend (or would like to relive the tech talks), we recorded the event and uploaded the videos to YouTube.

We have a playlist of all the talks. We’ve also broken out the individual talks:

The History of Square (Jack Dorsey)
Introduction and Welcome (Shuvo Chatterjee)
Scaling Square Register (Kyle Van Essen)
CocoaPods at Square (Brian Partridge)
Preventing Massive View Controllers (Alan Fineberg)
iOS Build & Test Infrastructure (Michael Tauraso)
Dependency Injection in iOS (Eric Firestone)
Custom Morph Transitions (Shawn Welch)

We’re excited to share these videos with you, and as always, we welcome your feedback. Find us at @SquareEng.

