The Corner Round-up June 2020

Richard Moot
Square Corner Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2020


In order to keep some of the followers still here on Medium, we wanted to provide a quick recap on some of the things that have been published over at The Corner Blog’s new home (in case you didn’t know that already). We’ll just be doing a quick summary of each new thing, but you can check out each topic in detail over at our new home.

We released a new Team API to allow managing Team data from any platform. You can track and edit large volumes of team member data automatically and synchronize data with any third-party platform in real time!

In order to make dependency injection with Dagger 2 easier, we had created Hephaestus. It is an open source compiler plugin that automatically merges Dagger modules and component interfaces to make development more enjoyable.

The Square Developer team also transitioned the API Explorer from Beta to GA, bringing with it a lot of improvements to make testing Square APIs much more enjoyable and easy.

The cloud team at Square also did a write-up that provides some useful guidance and examples for handling Pod Security in Kubernetes.

Additionally, Square Loyalty now has an API to make providing rewards to customers on other platforms. Using the Customers API and Loyalty API in combination can allow any developer to create a great rewards system, no matter where their customers are.

Finally, we also released Terminal API, which lets you programmatically take payments using Square Terminal. This API allows developers to connect Square Terminal, an all-in-one card payments device, to their custom-built POS systems, no matter which platforms or operating systems they’re developed on.

Now that isn’t everything that we’ve published since you’ve last heard from us, but should give some good highlights of what has been going on at Square. If you want to learn more or stay up-to-date on everything we’re working on, make sure to check out the blog at or follow up on twitter at!



Richard Moot
Square Corner Blog

Developer Evangelist @ Square. I know way too much about shipping & payments. I have a love/hate relationship with JavaScript.