Sorry, But Odds Are You Won’t Be a Millionaire
But you have a high probability of being happy if you stop worrying about being filthy rich. Leave that for your descendants.
I had an interesting exchange on social media the other day. Someone posted a meme about a certain billionaire who owns a somewhat popular social media platform. As is the case with our Social Mediosis, there was an overrepresentation of people who felt threatened by the meme. They were quick to try and defend the billionaire from their latest social blunder.
To say that things got heated would be an understatement. A full-on flame war erupted. There were insults combined with the usual misogyny and homophobia that accompanies these cultural wars in the virtual world. There were also threats of violence, physical and otherwise. And there were people throwing around the word “liberal” as if it were an insult.
I asked one of the people doing the mudslinging why they were writing what they wrote. “What do you get out of writing this?” I asked.
“The satisfaction of triggering liberals,” they replied.
“But how do you know someone is a liberal, or triggered?”
“Because I can tell in their replies how triggered they are, and from their profiles who liberal they are.”
“And how does that satisfaction add to your…