Welcome to SquareOne

from Eddie Sun, yours truly.

SquareOne Media
2 min readJul 18, 2020


This is SquareOne. The first step. A beginning of sorts.

It might’ve been the hardest step — finding a name for the publication that was available on social media. We thought of names on the fly, only to find them taken on Twitter or Instagram. After some weeks and many unsuccessful attempts, the publication was still just an idea — a nameless idea. I said to Reagan dejectedly, “I guess we’re back at square one.”

“How about SquareOne?” he suggested. I wasn’t opposed; it was nice and marketable, and most importantly unreserved online. And so we had a name, and the publication turned from an idea to a product. The entire time, we tried to concoct a name from a thematic idea, but settled on one out of coincidence. SquareOne doesn’t really represent anything substantive, but I suppose it means something to us and this publication going forward. After all, I just wanted to write and was done thinking of names.

So this is SquareOne. I call it a publication, but it’s something in between that and a blog. Publication sounds too professional, and blogging hasn’t been in vogue for a decade, it seems. I wanted SquareOne to be mostly impersonal, but not too serious. We’ll be covering sports, entertainment, pop culture and the intersections between these three broad topics — kind of like The Ringer, although I’m not quite Bill Simmons. Writing and podcasting are our two mediums currently, but I’m hoping to incorporate video in the near future.

Most importantly, SquareOne is an open space for everyone. If you have any thoughts relating to sports, music, movies, anything broadcast on screens, trends, or culture (and how can you not?), we’re curious to hear what you have to say. The future of quality journalism is inevitably going to be collaborative, because current corporate structures have all but killed good writing and storytelling.

It takes two to make a thing happen. Or whatever Rob Base said. Without my good friend Reagan Griffin, this publication probably never comes to fruition. We bounced ideas off each other, thought of names, and clarified our vision for SquareOne. Luckily for me, I make friends that are better than me at turning ideas into action.

So, yet again, this is SquareOne. It’s a place for thoughtful writing and quality content. I’m not sure where the publication goes from here, but I hope it’s the beginning of something wonderful.

