7 Tips to Put Your Resume on the Top of the Stack

Greg LaVersa
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2021

There are countless sources online containing tips, tricks, and templates for building the perfect resume to find your dream job, but what they don’t usually mention is that there is no one-size-fits-all for the document that demonstrates your achievements and capabilities. With the country gradually opening back up and many people returning to work or searching for new, more fulfilling roles, we thought it would be helpful to compile a list of some of the most valuable tips that you can use to improve your chances of landing an interview. Keep in mind that this is general advice and you will need to do your own research and writing in order to make it work best for you.

1. Tailor your resume to the specific industry and company that you are applying to

Recruiters already know what skills, experience, and qualifications they are looking for, so highlighting those attributes about yourself can only improve your resume. This will require additional knowledge and research on your part but fortunately, there is a shortcut. Recruiters will usually include keywords in the job listing itself and using those keywords in your resume will make it stand out and let them know that you have the right skill set for the job.

This step also requires you to cut out unnecessary information about yourself if it is not relevant to the industry. Again, this will require knowledge of the job and you may need to perform your own research to do this effectively.

2. Research the company’s culture

Going beyond the job listing provided can also provide invaluable insight on what the recruiters would like to see from applicants. For example, if you read through the company website and they place an emphasis on community service, you might want to devote a section of your resume to volunteer work that you have completed. This will show the person reading your resume that you carry the same values as the company and can contribute to the environment and the culture.

*As a side note, many recruiters want to see volunteer work on resumes even without it being a part of the company’s culture*

3. Make it visually appealing

The first step to making a visually appealing resume is restricting it to an appropriate length. It is okay for it to extend to 2 pages if you need the extra space but generally a resume should be only 1 page with an appropriately sized font (12 point or something close). It is also important to use a font that looks professional and maintains legibility, such as Times New Roman, or Georgia.

Another measure that can improve the aesthetic of your resume is adding color. The basic colors should always be black text on a white background but an additional color can be added as a highlight. Generally green or blue makes the best accent color as it is non-aggressive and can be used to make important details pop out.

Finally, the layout should always be intuitive, organized, and easy to read. Combining all of these techniques will allow recruiters to spend more time looking at your resume and find all of the details that they need to know.

4. Include a header and a summary or objective

A header should include important overview information, such as your name, contact information, and location (if you are comfortable adding it). Placing this information in a prominent location can make the reader remember you more easily and be able to reach out quickly if they decide to. Your name can be a larger font size if you have room to spare.

Adding a summary or objective is less common but can help the recruiter understand who you are as a person even before they read about your education and accomplishments. An effective resume objective should be only a couple sentences long at most and should explain your motivation and goals in the new career or field .

A summary, on the other hand, should be a brief explanation of yourself, highlighting your most valuable skills and attributes and explaining how they will help you contribute to the company. As with previous sections, these should be specific to the job or industry that you are applying to.

5. Submit a cover letter

While it is usually not required, a good cover letter is always preferred by recruiters. Make sure to proofread for spelling or grammatical errors and have other people look over it if you can. Good examples of cover letters can be found here.

6. Focus on your achievements instead of just your duties

Recruiters love to see how many responsibilities you have accepted over your career, but including specific accomplishments or milestones that you have reached can elevate you even further. Quantifying those accomplishments with numbers whenever possible can provide more evidence of your success and the value that you can bring to a company.

For example, if you led a team at your previous job, you might think that just describing the role proves your leadership capabilities, but it is much more effective to describe what you accomplished in that position. You can still inform the reader of your position but make sure to include specifics, such as how much production improved under your leadership, or how much money your ideas saved. Quantifying your achievements can demonstrate your capabilities much more than just describing your responsibilities.

7. Reach out to contacts at the company through other outlets

When applying to a job at a new company, having contacts that have experience at the company is incredibly valuable. They can provide you with information on the culture of the company or skills and experiences that are considered useful so that you can adapt your application better. If they are someone in a prominent position, you can mention them in an interview to demonstrate your interpersonal skills and dedication. Finally, you can have a close contact look over your resume and ask them specific questions, such as what individuals at their organization generally look for in applicants.


These are just a few examples of simple and effective tips to improve your resume and increase your chances of standing out. This is far from the last step to starting your new career. After you start to get noticed by employers, the next step is to nail your interview, so be sure to come back next week for our compiled list of the most effective ways to make a good first impression.

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Greg LaVersa

Co-founder of SquareOneJobs, Student at Stevens Institute of Technology