What is Squarewave?

Published in
1 min readDec 21, 2016

Squarewave is an engineering consultancy, focusing on small electronics and I0T devices, usually in the Colorado area.

Our projects are built by collaborative teams of freelance engineers from across Colorado.

Join our network to get started!

What sort of skills are you looking for?

Our projects are interdisciplinary, so we’re looking for people with all kinds of skills: engineers (computer, electrical, mechanical), project managers, software developers, designers (mechanical, graphics), certification experts, and more.

What kind of projects do you work on?

We focus on small electronics and IoT devices.

How do you pick good engineering teams?

At the start of a project, we’ll find members in our network that have the skills and availability to help out. We’ll reach out personally to see if the project is a good match and negotiate rates.

How do projects work?

Projects are often remote, though there maybe some shared space depending on the project and distribution of the team.

Want to learn more? Join our network!

