About me

KimSia Sim
The Specific
Published in
1 min readJul 23, 2017

The name is tricky.

In Asia, either your name is in the form of {family name} {given name}, or {given name} {son/daughter of} {father’s name} like some Arabic or Indian names. On this blog, which I expect Westernised audiences, I am going with the conventional {given name} {family name} format. Hence KimSia Sim.

You can just call me Kim. It’s easier. And, please. You aren’t the first one to make a North Korean joke about my name.

I live, work, and play in a city-state called Singapore. I run a business managing tech for other businesses. In other words, I run a tech B2B outfit.

In this blog, I am experimenting with writing about patterns of breakthroughs. Breakthroughs are sudden, important, and dramatic results. The idea is that despite the difficulty, there is some kind of meaningful, predictable, and recurring patterns amongst breakthrough performances and results.

And that I can find these patterns. Study them. Decode and decipher them. And then reuse them effectively.

