My work

KimSia Sim
The Specific
Published in
1 min readJul 23, 2017

After I failed at trying my own startup, I changed the company into taking on tech projects. One of those projects started as me writing some Excel macros for a telecomms equipment company for a price of 6,000 dollars. In 5 years, this grew into a still on-going relationship worth 6-digit of revenue.

As of 2017, I am involved in tech projects for 3 businesses in 3 different industries: telecomms equipment, manufacturing, and finance. The common thread across these projects are :

  1. the underlying business processes and operations are inter-connected in complicated ways
  2. there’s a lot of complex data surrounding these processes
  3. and my users are the employees

Most of the work I cannot say. Remember the telecomms equipment client I mentioned at the start? Well, I sold them a system I single-handedly architected and developed that processed millions worth of quotations a year. They are still using it.

When the time is right, I want to share some of the discoveries I’ve made selling and designing tech for busineses here in this blog.

Anything you like to ask me about my work? Comment below.

