Squash Gains Popularity Among Maine Youth

Kush Mahan

Kush Mahan
Squash the Sport


Many consider squash an activity for the upper classes, but according to a recent article in the Portland Press Herald, the sport appears to be gaining in popularity among Maine youth.

The article details how a handful of twenty or so middle schoolers, who had never even heard of the game only six months prior, now attend twice weekly games at a YMCA in Portland, Maine. The group was brought together by a young man named Barrett Takesian, a 22-year old former Bowdoin College squash captain and president of an organization named Portland Community Squash. Takesian did a presentation at King Middle School in the hopes that if students were made aware of the sport “three or four” might want to give it a try.

Clearly the response was far greater than Takesian had anticipated and was pleasant surprise for himself and his organization. The goal of Portland Community Squash has been to raise awareness of the sport and to work to increase resources for those who wish to get involved. The YMCA courts that the kids play on are the only public squash courts in Maine and houses two recreational leagues. Local colleges have squash courts that are available for a limited amount of public use, but otherwise, the growth of squash in Maine is being held back by a scarcity of courts.

Takesian says that one of the long term goals of Portland Community Squash is create a center to serve all of the needs of the area’s emerging squash community under one roof. The organization is considering a number of options, including a 33,000-square-foot warehouse in Portland. The group hopes to one day provide all the court space and educational facilities to continue to foster youth interest while being able to also meet the needs of older players.

To read more about the youth league and the work of Portland Community Squash, check out the original article in the Portland Press Herald.



Kush Mahan
Squash the Sport

Kush Mahan, New York, NY. Recognized Squash Player from Zimbabwe, extensive involvement in non-profit work. Bates College 2010.