Jesus Agudo — Creative Designer

Squelo Stories
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2016

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Jesus Agudo is a Spanish Creative Designer, based in Ireland. His ambition, hard work and expertise have lead to working with Ireland biggest brands and the local heroes NDRC & WebSummit . We’ve met up with him in Dublin to talk more about his inspirations and some career advice.

What does your day as a Creative Director look like?

I make sure every day bring the best creative solutions for my clients. I try to follow my creative ritual, the 1st thing before I even read the emails, I get inspired with my news feeds, that creates on my a need of doing. Most of my work are digital based, so I’m always working next to my development team as well as other creatives.

What does it take to get where you are today?

Hard work basically, I’ve been very focus and dedicated to my career for the past 10 years. This experience has brought me from one stop to another, making myself better, stronger and more confident. Over the time I’ve built a huge network and worked with so many people that have taught and supported me to be where I am today.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I get very inspired by the news feed, I make sure I follow the right sources for my industry. I do this through Twitter, I have my own list of relevant people. So I look up on them to see what they are saying and sharing. This way I can filter the type of references I want to see.

What 3 pieces of career advice would you give your younger-self?

Be consistent, be patient and trust yourself.

What are you passionate about?

I’ve been always very interested in video. Visual communication is something a born to do and doing it through moving images is like a dream come true. Also, love technology, particularly interested in VR at the moment and 3d visualisation.

Your personal goal for 2016?

Expanding my client based internationally.

See Jesus’ timeline & works profile on Squelo.

Follow him on Twitter & check out his Website.

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