040 | Inside Out Journal | Chapter VII

Hope is calling, it’s still holding on

Matt Breakwell
5 min readMay 22, 2020


Never stop chasing the dream, just like Miss Pufina does.

As a thank you to our Bucharest-based tireless Squids, we’re dedicating this final installment of the Inside Out Journal to them. As the country code for Romania, 040 has a special place in our hearts, so we thought it would be fitting.

Our journey into the land of positivity, business insights, and copious success stories wouldn’t have been the same without their silly gifs, hilarious memes, and inspiring articles. This one goes out to you, Squid Squad!

Though this is the last edition of the Inside Out Journal, it’s not the last time you’ll hear from us. We’ll be coming back soon enough with a new Article Series and even more insightful content fitted to the changing landscape of the world emerging from the other end of this crisis.

This week we’re delving deep into the land of gadgets, exploring the benefits of long-term thinking, and offering a roundup of some things we’ve been obsessed with these past few months. This is the Inside Out Journal.

Day ??? of Quarantine: I’m planning meals in advance, but I still end up ordering fast food for lunch.

— Diana, wants to be good, but fails (did someone say McDonald’s?)

Food For Thought

Here’s this week’s dose of self-awareness content.

Inside Stories

James, Dada, and Dinamo. Now that’s a trio.

We’re ending this series with a bang, or rather… a bark?

James, our CEO has been making us feel all kinds of jealous these past few months with snapshots of serene, untouched nature. Add a couple of dogs to that mix and you’ve got yourself the perfect day spent outside.

Maya, also known as Irina’s fluff ball.

And now, because we’ve started this section with some doggo content, we might as well continue with it.

As the last edition of the Inside Out Journal, we felt like this called for an extended cut of the usual pupper content. After all, we’d like to be remembered at our best, and this top content.

Me, Myself and I

We thought it fitting to give you an overview of all the fun, random things we’ve seen and become obsessed with during lockdown.

Canada’s National Film Board has a playlist of 66 Animated Shorts that have been Oscar Winners and Nominees

Great, now we’re contemplating our existence in the Universe

We’ve been exploring these for some time, and we can’t get enough

Day 53 of Quarantine: Started talking to the plants, I don’t think they appreciate me enough.

— Andrada, nice gal, but might be the one that’s gone cuckoo

Fast-Thinking Business

Transitioning back to a somewhat normal rhythm has shed some light upon a few sensible aspects of the world in its current state. We’re bracing for mindset changes, but until we’ll get the systemic change we’re waiting for, the reality is that the crisis has been pushing many startups to their limits.

Slush’s analysis gives some interesting insights and puts the future of startup life in perspective

Facebook has woken the sleeping giant and the American Congress is ready to get up close and personal.

Aside from having Congress hot on their heels, Facebook’s got something big coming…

Before You Go…

This Saturday, James and Amandine got together and chatted about outsourcing, MVP and finding the right fit for your startup, check it out ⬇️

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Matt Breakwell

A digital & software incubator building digital products for inspiring people & teams.